Ordon Province

─────── Any% ───────

Goat Herding (20)

Every category besides 100% herds goats only once (goats 2, 20 goats). Besides being open to personal preferences and adjustments, two routes emerged over time. Regardless of route, remember not to press A at the start to prevent Link from talking to Fado and not to use A too often or else the goats will chase Link.

Safe route (left)

A good goat herding with this route will average between 19 and 24 seconds.

Fast route (right)

This route is a bit more likely to fail but is faster on average.
The movement in the beginning can vary. It's safer to delay the first whoop for a bit.

TAS goes immediately right instead, but it's very risky to do that.

Bo RNG statistics

Bo's RNG function can be found here. Note that phases 1 and 2 differ.

Phase 1

20% = side step
30% = slap
20% = grab
30% = nothing

Phase 2

25% = side step
50% = slap
25% = grab
0% = nothing

1-cycle Bo

If the player slaps Bo right as the round starts, Bo will be moved back slightly further than with a normal grab. If the player then mashes A at about 13 to 14 inputs per second, Bo will be pushed out of the ring in 1 cycle rather than the usual 2 cycles needed.

─────── 100% ───────

Cat Warp

Discovered by logitechSDAZ

This glitch has an RNG component that makes it inherently inconsistent.

It is possible to get the cat's attention from over the river opposite the watermill. This causes the cat to teleport to Link. Catching the second fish once the cat has teleported over the river will cause the CS of the cat running to be about 10s shorter as it is dynamically created based on the position of the cat. After Link catches one fish (regardless of where it was caught), the cat will follow him all over the village when the fishing rod is out and they are within a certain distance of each other. Due to the fish being so far away when fishing from the other side of the river, it is recommended to catch the first fish at the end of the river by Rusl's house.

Getting the cat's attention so it will teleport is inconsistent because there is an RNG-based multiplier on the value of the distance between Link and the cat that is applied when the cat loads as Link enters the area, and for some multipliers, the value cannot get low enough to get the cat's attention even if Link is at the very edge of the cat warp fishing spot. Even with good RNG, the distance value often spikes back above the threshold as soon as it gets low enough for the cat to notice Link, and this sometimes results in the cat stopping paying attention to Link, rendering cat warp impossible; however, this can be avoided by putting the fishing rod away after the first fish, then once inside the cat's distance range, taking it out and casting it immediately before the value can spike.

Standing behind the wood planks and fishing can result in a smaller cat warp.

Timesaver going to Ordon Shield

It's possible to skip the Midna jump from the big rock onto the first roof by dashing off the rock in a specific way. It's also possible to jump attack onto the second roof instead of climbing it normally. This saves up to 4 seconds. Additionally, there's no need to aim to land onto the platform where Hanch is as there's an air trigger that will snap Link into the cutscene.

Last updated 09/17/2024 – WaterproofTeabag_