Cutscene Dropping

Trick Description

Beginning a cutscene (bottle, story item, forced transformation, etc.) at a certain time, it is possible to drop items that are moving or caught in the boomerang at a specific spot without updating their state.

How To

Boomerang method

  1. Throw the Boomerang at any object that it can pick up
  2. Start a cutscene (bottle, story item, forced transformation, etc.)
  3. The Boomerang will return back to Link, but the item that it caught will fall where it was when the cutscene started


Boomerang Cancel

Goron Bomb Bag with Normal Bombs

Using the Normal Bombs Underwater glitch and starting a cutscene at the same time, it's possible to sink a normal bomb low enough to blow up the rock with the Goron in it.

Last updated 04/02/2024 – bewildebeest