This route is a more advanced version of 100% that implements Grove 2 Skip (G2S) and faster D/N cycles. It is intended for NA Wii 1.0 only. While PAL and JP versions will work, you will have to clear Cave of Ordeals without floor skips.
- Coro TD (Text Displacement) is not required for this route, progression and rupee routing is based around Telma TD instead.
- While there exists a Coro TD route that is slightly faster, it is not yet considered RTA-friendly.
Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3.
Equips are routed into the route and listed after changes occur. In the route, equips in gold are equips that you directly changed with that equip. Equips in maroon are equips that were modified without you directly changing them (this includes Ooccoo/Ooccoo Jr transitions, Lent Bag Losses, etc.) - these are color-coded for your awareness only.
Because this run tends to be 6-7 hours at top level, practicing and preparation is highly recommended. Also do note the (unskippable) cutscene breaks.
This route is still in development, but current runs that use this route are:
- Ilia cutscene
- Epona to Ranch (3R)
- Goats 1 (10 goats)
- Rock outside Link's house (8R)
- Climb vines to Jaggle (Eagle guy)
- Deliver crib
- Fishing Rod
- Mailbox jump for two yellows (28R)
- Roll to dock
- Two rupees in grass (30R)
- Fishing x2 for Sera's cat
- Swim + roll to shop
- Bottle of milk (1 of 4)
- Buy Slingshot (0R)
- Faron Gate Clip
- Lantern from Coro
- Faron cave
- North Faron small key
- Torches for HP #1 (3 1/5)
- Roll to Talo
- Bokoblins break cage
- Defeat Bokoblins with slingshot
- Flip Lantern to B when done
- Goats 2 (20 goats)
- Castle sewers
- Rooftops
- Back to Ordon
- Listen to Bo and Jaggle
- Scare Hanch
- Ordon Shield
- Rusl and Uli's house
- Ordon Sword
- Ordon Spring Portal
- Enter Faron Twilight
Faron Twilight
- South Faron Portal
- Faron Vessel
- First two bugs (ignore tears)
- Coro house bugs (inside and outside)
- Bugs before tunnel (ignore tears)
- Dig shortcut in tunnel, enter mist area
- Bugs on left wall (ignore tears)
- Midna jump to bugs in tree trunk
- Finish Midna jumps, ignore burrowed bugs
- Early Master Sword
🠋 Sacred Grove Howling Stone
- Enter Sacred Grove
- Continue Grove chase
- Skull Kid fight
- Statues Puzzle [LD UUU RR DDD LU]
- Master Sword
- Warp South Faron with Midna
- Collect missed tears
- Lantern through mist
- Mist bugs before they burrow + collect tears
- 10R behind sign (10R)
- North Faron Portal
- Bugs outside Forest Temple
- Collect final tears as human, vessel filled
- 1 frame backflip
- Warp North Faron with Midna
- Hidden Skill - Ending Blow (1/7)
- Enter Forest Temple
Forest Temple
- Save 1st Monkey, slingshot Walltulas
- Defeat Skulltula and light torches
- Go outside, skip CS, go back
- Monkey swing to west door
- Small key chest past bridge
- Save 2nd Monkey
- Back to center room + burn web
- Early Boomerang Via Bridges
- Ook
- Gale Boomerang
Eldin Transition
- To Hyrule Field
- GB #1 (F!Beetle) on tree out of bounds
- Mailman skips as wolf (NTSC 1.0 only)
- Enter Eldin Twilight
- Kakariko Gorge Portal
- Warp North Faron
- Warp Bridge
- Continue to Kakariko Village
- Kakariko Village Portal
- Eldin Vessel
Eldin Twilight
- Eldin Vessel
- Enter Graveyard
- Kill Graveyard bug
- Well Clip
- Basement bugs
- Back to Graveyard, collect tear
- If you want to use the Midna jumps for the silver rupee later, call Midna outside the sanctuary now and advance the text to the first jump prompt
- Malo Mart bug
- Hotel bugs
- Abandoned house bug
- Barnes' Shop bug
- Wolf Bomb House Skip/Bomb House
- Watchtower bug
- Guaranteed 5R from pot (30R)
- DMT Trail bug
🠋 Death Mountain Howling Stone once bug explodes
- Death Mountain Portal
- Death Mountain bugs
- Vessel Complete
Lake Hylia Transition / Zora's Domain
- GB #2 (F!Ant) in abandoned house
- Dash to Death Mountain Trail
- Angry Goron cutscene + warp away
- Tame Epona as Wolf
- Warp Ordon Spring
- Hidden Skill - Shield Attack (2/7)
- Epona to Ordon Village
- 100R Behind Uli's house (130R)
- Epona to Bo cutscene
- Sumo wrestling for Iron Boots
- Epona to Ordon Ranch
- [E: Gale / Boots / Lantern]
- Goats 3 for HP #4 (4 4/5)
- Warp South Faron
- Call Epona
- Epona to Hyrule Field South
- HP #5 in Tree (5 0/5)
- GB #3 (M!Beetle) on tree nearby
- Epona to Lanayru Gate
- Lanayru Gate Clip
- Load Great Bridge of Hylia
- Drop to Lake Hylia as wolf
- Talk to Fyer
- Kargarok Battle
- Kargarok Flight
- Zora's Domain and Portal
- Warp Death Mountain
- Transform in corner
- Warp Rock to Zora's Domain
- Rutela Skip
- River to Lake Hylia
Lanayru Twilight
- Talk to Lanayru for Vessel
- Chase bug on bridges
- Lake Hylia Portal
- Stepping stones bug
- Warp Zora’s Domain
- Zora’s Domain bug
- Skip Rutela as human again
- Waterfall sidehop / swim out of river
- Drop to bug on East ZD
- Lilypad bugs (keep them dry on 1.0)
- Mother and Child bug
- Down the river
- Iza bug
- Swim against current to Hyrule Field North
- Dash to Castle Town east
- Castle Town Portal
- Castle Town bug
- Warp Lake Hylia
- Fyer bug (keep this one dry too)
- Kargarok bugs
- Bonk + No to retry
- Boss Bug
- Lanayru Vessel complete (135R)
Zora Armor
- Warp Zora's Domain
- Swim out to Upper Zora's River (UZR)
🠋 Upper Zora's River Howling Stone
- UZR Portal as Human
- Steal Lent Bomb Bag from Iza
- [E: Bombs / Gale / Boots / Lantern]
- Warp Kakariko Village
- Start King Bulblin 1 fight
- Alternatively, warp Castle Town + start Escort with KB1 trigger skip (~20s faster)
- Warp Castle Town
- Mailman skip as wolf on bridge (NTSC 1.0 only)
- If successful, transform to human before entering CT
- Start Wagon Escort
- King Bulblin 2 Skip
- 20R in boulders en route (155R)
- Blow out cart and unlock first gate in Hyrule Field South (HFS)
- Finish cart escort and unlock second gate
- Rutela (165R)
- Zora Armor
Lakebed I - Clawshot
- Warp Lake Hylia
- Midna Dive to Lakebed from Isle of Riches
- Swim through first room of Lakebed (don't savewarp)
- Drop stalactites with bombs
- Hallway
- Down stairs and pull south lever
- Up stairs and pull lever to the right
- Cog room to west for small key
- Up stairs and left for Ooccoo
- Enter locked door
- Drop stalactite (finish emptying lent bag)
- Water bomb chest on left (5 WB)
- Climb vines over the wall
- Far side of 2F single cog room
- Early HP on Wii
- HP #6 in Chest (5 1/5)
- Voidwarp back to 2F via gate
- To back up failing to void, Ooccoo out and back in
- Jump Attack onto platform from 2F
- Water bomb into tunnel + moonboots JA over railing
- Deku Toad fight
- 1-cycle with either Master Sword or Water Bombs
- Clawshot
- Savewarp
- Re-equip Hero's Tunic
- Enable icon shortcuts (will be used for Map Glitch)
Glitching into Goron Mines
- Ooccoo out
- [E: Ooccoo / Clawshot / Boots / Lantern]
- Back to Lanayru Spring
- [E: Ooccoo Jr. / Clawshot / Boots / Lantern]
- Lantern torches for HP #7 (5 2/5)
- Warp Castle Town
- Mailman Skip
- Enter as human
- Text Displacement via Telma
- Consider safety saving, as accidentally triggering the cutscene with Telma would force a reroute to use Coro TD, Yeta TD, or spinner to enter Goron Mines
- Talk to Telma 3 times
- Leave and warp Death Mountain (Midna)
- Ascent to Death Mountain (no early elevator)
- Wolf Midna jumps for first two ledges
- Transform human in left corner behind Goron
- Goron boosts as human rest of the way
- Yellow rupees on ledge (195R)
- Advance Gor Coron's text once
- Clip behind guards
Goron Mines
- Skip first two flame jets
- Skip third flame jet
- Second room
- Small key (left side)
- Across rotating platforms
- Stone slab clip
- Activate magnet beam
- Iron Boots unequip for fast walking once out of water
- Use Gale for force unequip
- Key Shard #1 (Gor Amoto)
- Ceiling room with fast walking
- HP #8 in magnet ceiling room (5 3/5)
- Lavawarp
- Ceiling room with fast walking to exit
- Magnet cranes to other side
- Small key underwater
- Clawshot the gate crystal
- Or, wolf gate clip (faster but riskier)
- Magnet wall (up-right) to HP #9 (5 4/5)
- Magnet wall (up-left) to ropes for drawbridge
- Outside area
- Small key on right
- Key shard skip with rotating platform
- Alternatively, Key Shard #2 (Gor Ebizo)
- Dangoro
- Hero's Bow
- [E: Bow / Clawshot / Boots / Gale]
- West room behind Beamos
- Key Shard #3 for Boss Key (Gor Liggs)
- Backtrack to outside area
- Magnet crane skip with clawshot
- Room before Fyrus
- Fyrus
- Heart Container #2 (6 4/5)
Pre-MDH Cleanup
- If KB1 trigger skip earlier, then do KB1 with Bow
- Roll to Barnes' Bomb Shop
- Buy bomb bag (75R)
- Sell all bombs (120R) and buy 10 water bombs (60R)
- Bow minigame for HP #10 (7 0/5)
- [E: Bomb Arrows (BA) / Clawshot / Boots / Gale]
- Ride Epona out northeast exit
- BA rocks above vines (9 WB)
- Clawshot to vines
- Drop to ledge for HP #11 (7 1/5)
- Ride Epona into postman trigger
- GB #4 (M!Grasshopper) in boomerang
- Ride to Northeast Eldin Field
- GB #5 (F!Grasshopper)
- Ride Epona to Bridge of Eldin
- Early HP via Wolf Dash
- Ladder to HP #12 (7 2/5)
- GB #6 (M!Phasmid) on south arch
- BA rocks blocking Lanayru (8 WB)
- BA boulder to the left for later rupees (7 WB)
- Shadow Beasts for Bridge of Eldin Portal
- Epona to Clawshot target
- GB #7 (F!Phasmid) on the wall
- Enter Goron Stock cave
- Arrow drop in nearby barrels if needed
- Iron boots sidehop to bottom
- Lantern torches for 100R (160R)
- HP #13 in chest (7 3/5)
- [E: Clawshot / Ooccoo Jr. / Boots / BA]
- Equip ZA if not already on
- Ooccoo Jr. back to Lakebed
- [E: Clawshot / Ooccoo / Boots / BA]
Lakebed II - Morpheel
- Back to stalactite room
- Backtrack to central staircase room
- Chandelier for HP #14 (7 4/5)
- Bridge clip boss key skip
- Enter Morpheel
- Morpheel
- [E: Clawshot / Lantern / Gale / BA]
- Heart Container #3 (8 4/5)
Midna's Desperate Hour
- Dash to amphitheater
- Amphitheater Poe (1/60)
- Dash to Castle Town
- Enter as human (no mailman trigger)
- STAR 1 for Big Quiver (150R)
- Visit Agitha
- Give all 7 bugs for Big Wallet + 450R (600R)
- Enter Telma's Bar as wolf
- Louise
- Box to window
- Ropes through bar
- Jovani Poe (2/60)
- Return to sewers
- First web with torch
- Second web with lantern as human
- Archer at bottom of tower
- MDH tower ascent
- Rooftops wind cycle
- Zelda
Post MDH
(Note: this section up until AG consists of the "Post MDH Day-Night Cycle.")
- Dash right
- GB #8 (M!Butterfly) near amphitheater
- GB #9 (F!Butterfly) near roadway to Lake Hylia
- Roll to Golden Wolf
- Hidden Skill - Back Slice (3/7)
- Roll to Castle Town
- Donate 500R to Charlo (600R -> 100R) (500/1000 donated)
- To South Castle Town (SCT)
- GB #10 (M!Ladybug) by stone pillar
- GB #11 (F!Ladybug) by trees
- Golden Wolf in SCT
- Hidden Skill - Helm Splitter (4/7)
- Jump slash to 100R in Sinkhole (200R)
- Warp Kakariko Gorge
- GB #12 (F!Pillbug) in southwest field
- Call Epona on the way back
- Position Epona near the Gorge bridge. Will use in post ToT cycle
- GB #13 (M!Pillbug) by bridge
- Blow up entrance to Gorge Cave (6 WB)
- Kakariko Gorge Cave
- Use lantern for most webs
- Left, Left, Right, Left
- HP #15 on left wing at end (9 0/5)
- Poe on other wing (3/60)
- Savewarp, and equip Ordon Sword if attempting kargarok LJA to gorge HP (4 WB)
- Dash to northeast Gorge field
- HP #16 in Gale Boomerang (9 1/5)
- Wolf Jump to Lower HP
- HP #17 in chest (9 2/5)
- If you miss this one, return after CitS or Cave of Ordeals
- Warp UZR
- GB #14 (F!Dragonfly) outside Iza shed
- Start Iza 1 skip
- Enter hut
- BA rocks x2 (2 WB)
- Talk to Iza before second BA hits (if failed, savewarp once in the canoe)
- Exit via the door
- Roll to fishing hole
- [E: Clawshot / BA / Boots / Fishing Rod]
- Fishing Hole for HP #18 (9 3/5)
- Bottle (2 of 4)
- Warp Lake Hylia
- Plumm minigame for HP #19 (9 4/5)
- Yes to retry
- Finish Iza 1 skip
- Receive Iza Bomb Bag
- Warp UZR
- Iza 2 minigame (180R)
- Receive Giant Bomb Bag upgrade
- Dock Poe (4/60)
- Warp Lake Hylia
Lake Hylia (Night)
- Stepping stones Poe (5/60)
- Dash to ladder
- Important: Switch BA off WB and to Iza Bag
- [E: Clawshot / BA / Boots / Lantern]
- Enter Lake Hylia Cave
- Left, Left, Poe (6/60)
- Right, Right, Center
- Right, Left, through zig-zag area to Poe (7/60)
- Left, Center, Center + Left
- 100R chest Center (280R)
- Right to torches for HP #20 (10 0/5)
- Poe (8/60)
- Exit via light
🠋 Lake Hylia Howling Stone
- Auru Poe (9/60)
- Auru’s Memo
- Swim to Fyer
- [E: Clawshot / BA / Memo / Lantern]
- Cannon to Desert via Auru's Memo
- [E: Clawshot / BA / Lantern]
Gerudo Desert
- Poe on the right (10/60)
- GB #15 (M!Dayfly) en route
- GB #16 (F!Dayfly) in left valley
- Gerudo Mesa Portal
- Dash to northwest Desert
- Poe above grotto (11/60)
- Double Poe grotto (13/60)
- Steal Bulbo to get into Bulbin camp
- Golden Wolf
- Hidden Skill - Mortal Draw (5/7)
- Poe by leevers (14/60)
- King Bulblin 3 Early via Map Glitch
- Break out via Bulbo
- Back to camp
- Roasted Boar for HP #21 (10 1/5)
- Small 50R chest (330R)
- Alternatively skip and get 25R x2 from snowboard racing
- Bulblin Camp Poe (15/60)
- Poe outside Arbiter's (16/60)
- Enter Arbiter’s as wolf
- End of Post-MDH D/N cycle
Arbiter's Grounds
- Across sand as wolf
- Pull chain
- Small key chest on right
- Lantern refill on left if needed
- Enter Poe CS as wolf
- First Poe in AG (17/60)
- Learn Poe Scent
- Pull chain
- HP #22 in chest (10 2/5)
- Down to lower floor
- Mortal Draw Redead (350R)
- Small key + arrow refill in pot
- Second Poe in AG (18/60)
- Back to main room
- Poe 1 skip on Wii
- Push box and pull chandelier
- Defeat Stalfos with BA
- Lantern puzzle
- Fourth Poe in AG
- Jump across chandelier and climb stairs
- Across main room 2F
- Poe 3 room backwards
- Third Poe (20/60)
- 20R from Redead (370R)
- Poe gate
- Early Boss Key
- Spinner room backwards
- HP #23 by Stalfos (10 3/5)
- Backslice over railing
- To Death Sword
- [E: Clawshot / Bombs / Boots / Lantern]
- Triple Stalfos with 2 bombs
- Death Sword
- Spinner
- [E: Clawshot / Water Bombs / Boots / Spinner]
- Savewarp
- Backtrack to Stallord
- Stallord
- Fast 1-cycle on phase 2 for Wii
- Alternatively, Mortal Draw 1-cycle (not easier)
- Heart Container #4 (11 3/5)
Pre-SPR (Snowpeak Ascent)
- Mirror Chamber Portal + raise mirror
- Warp Zora’s Domain
- Goron Bomb Bag (1 WB)
- Rocket Link (0 WB)
- [E: Empty Bomb Bag / Clawshot / Goron Bomb Bag / Spinner]
- Poe under waterfall (21/60)
- Midna jumps
- Can get 5R here with no text (375R)
- Poe by ledge (22/60)
- GB #17 (M!Dragonfly) by Mother and Child rocks
- Swim to Snowpeak entrance
- Map Glitch
- Talk to Ashei for sketch
- Jump down + turn to wolf
- Begin Snowpeak ascent
- Poe on other side of rock (23/60)
- Poe by lone tree (24/60)
- Poe by double trees (25/60)
🠋 Snowpeak Howling Stone
- Connection cave
- Snowpeak Portal
- Warp Kakariko Village
- Graveyard Poes x2 (27/60)
- GB #18 (M!Ant) by tree
- [E: Clawshot / Bombs / Sketch / Spinner]
- Hidden Skill - Jumpstrike (6/7)
- Coral Fishing Rod
- [E: Clawshot / Bombs / Spinner]
- Behind gravestone
- Warp Snowpeak
- Snowboarding: get 25R minimum (400R)
- Enter SPR
Snowpeak Ruins
Getting to Temple of Time
- Optional: Get one or both Snowpeak poes (spiral hill, connection cave) here to make the post-ToT day/night cycle more lenient (costs 5-10s)
- Warp North Faron
- [E: B&C / Clawshot / Boots / Bombs]
- Moon Boots JS to Sacred Grove
- [E: B&C / Clawshot / Lantern / Bombs]
- Jump down and continue to Grove as wolf
- Hit Skull Kid once behind tree
- Dash to Poe behind waterfall (31/60)
- Bomb chest refill
- [E: Lantern / BA / Boots / Bombs]
- Grove 2 Skip with Moon Boots
- [E: Lantern / BA / Gale / Bombs]
- Blow up rock in center of arena
- Grotto for HP #26 (13 1/5)
- Exit Grotto
- Get Poe (32/60) in arena
- Master Sword Area, get Poe (33/60)
- Strike MS pedestal
- [E: Lantern / BA / Gale / Boots]
- Sacred Grove Portal
- Moon Boots JS to get past wreckage
- [E: Lantern / BA / Gale / Claw]
- GB #19 (M!Snail) using Gale boomerang
- Enter Temple of Time
Temple of Time
Post Temple of Time (Day)
(Note: This section through DMT consists of the "Post-ToT" day-night cycle.)
- Poe behind left statue (36/60)
- HP #29 behind right statue (14 4/5)
- GB #20 (F!Snail) on wall
- Leave past
- Warp Snowpeak
- Race Yeto
- Grab any needed rupees if less than 600R
- Warp Snowpeak
- Race Yeta for HP #30 (15 0/5)
- Should have full wallet at this point
- Avoid respawn trigger and dash to spiral hill
- Poe on spiral hill (37/60) (do not void out during the poe soul grab animation, as this softlocks on 1.0)
- Void out to top of Snowpeak
- Poe in connection cave (38/60)
- Warp Kakariko Village
- BA rocks above alcove
- Donate all 600R to Malo Mart (0R)
- BA rocks blocking alcove
- Renado's Letter
- [E: BA / Gale / Boots / Renado's Letter]
- HP #31 above alcove (15 1/5)
- HP #32 in the spring (15 2/5)
- Underwater warp to CT
- Talk to Mailman (avoids trigger in HFS)
- Give Agitha 8 bugs (600R)
- Invoice from Telma
- Medicine Scent in Dr. Borville's office
- [E: BA / Gale / Clawshot]
- Talk to Goron on WCT bridge
- Warp back to Kakariko
- Donate 400R to Malo Mart (200R)
- Talk to Gor Liggs
- Hotspring minigame
- Goron gives you HP #33 (15 3/5)
- Dash back to CT
Post Temple of Time (Night)
- Poe on bridge (39/60)
- Jovani bottle (3 of 4)
- Talk to Louise
- Poe in SCT (40/60)
- 100R Chest on Pedestal (300R)
- Wooden Statue + RNG rupee drops (330R+)
- Warp to Kakariko Gorge
- Poe by Gorge (41/60)
- Transform and ride Epona to HFS
- Poe in HFS (42/60)
- Ride Epona to rocks in Lanayru transition
- Poe by rock ledge (43/60)
- 50R chest (380R)
- GB #21 (F!Mantis) and GB #22 (M!Mantis) via Epona
- Enter Falbi's Flight By Fowl
- [E: BA / Clawshot / Boots / Statue]
- Falbi (360R)
- Orange rupee chest on spinning platform (460R)
- HP #34 in chest on lower platform (15 4/5)
- 50R chest (510R)
- Isle of Riches Poe (44/60)
- Fyer's cannon back up (500R)
- Talk to Falbi again (480R)
- Fly left and down for FBF Poe (45/60)
- Warp Kakariko
- Give Ilia statue
- [E: BA / Gale / Boots / Clawshot]
- Roll to Cucco above Elde Inn
- Poe by Bombhouse wreckage (46/60)
- Poe by Talo watchtower (47/60)
- Dash to Death Mountain Trail
- DMT Poe (48/60)
- Collect reds under rocks, or enough until (560R)
- Chest for HP #35 (16 0/5)
- End of required D/N cycle
- [E: BA / Aged DRod / Spinner / B&C]
Getting to City in the Sky (Day)
- Warp Gerudo Mesa
- Warp Bridge of Eldin piece
- Boulder by Goron cave rupees (600R)
- Dash through the canyon
- Spinner to Grotto
- Defeat Stalfos in Grotto
- HP #36 in chest (16 1/5)
- Spinner back and roll to Hidden Village (HV)
- Hidden Village 1
- Ilia's Charm
- Show Aged DRod for Ancient Sky Book
- [E: BA / Ilia's Charm / Gale / Book]
- Transform spot to map warp
- Warp Kakariko Village
- Donate 200R to Malo Mart (400R)
- Purchase Hylian Shield and Hawkeye (100R)
- Silver Bell rupee (300R)
- Give Ilia's Charm to Ilia (becomes horse call)
- Show Shad the Ancient Sky Book
- Reactivated Dominion Rod
- Early CitS and warp cannon
- Repair cannon (0R)
- Go to CitS directly
- [E: Clawshot / Gale / Boots / Spinner]
City in the Sky
- Back to central room
- Leroy Jenkins
- Clawshot vine patch by fan
- Clawshot clip to boss key
- Early Boss key
- Exit through lower door
- Precise clawshot to get to ropes
- Poe on the grass platform (49/60)
- Purple chest (50R)
- Exit through east door
- Clawshot to gardens
- HP #37 in Garden (16 2/5)
- Clawshot peahat to tree island
- Poe by tree (50/60)
- Purple rupee chest on island (100R)
- Clawshot out and void for faster peahat cycle
- Peahat cycle skip with clawshot clip (1.0 only)
- HP #38 in annoying room (16 3/5)
- Spinner bomb boost
- Various alternatives (Helm Splitter Dynalfos, JS Moonboots or JS LJA)
- Savewarp
- Back to central room
- Fan activation skip on Wii
- Alternatively, clawshot back up to activate fans
- Fan tower
- [E: Claws / Fairy Tears / Boots / Spinner] if going for 2-cycle
- Argorok 2-cycle (22s faster) or regular Argorok fight
- Heart Container #7 (17 3/5)
Cave of Ordeals
- Equip IB and clawshot into cannon
- JA midair to land on bridge
- Warp Gerudo Mesa
- [E: Gale / BA / Boots / Spinner]
- Enter Cave of Ordeals
- Your rupee count should be at least 470 leaving the cave
- Need 370 total: 300 (dig spots) + 70 RNG
- Use floor skips via gale boomerang
- Blow out torches at entrance with Gale to open next door down
- ALWAYS DO THIS, except Floors 9, 19, 29, 39, 43, and 44
- Floors 1, 2 and 11 are forced
- Floor 14: Defeat Bubbles + 100R in dig spot (200R+)
- Floor 17: Blow out torches leading to 18, then get Poe among Stalhounds (51/60)
- Run the rest of the way to fairy as wolf
- Floor 21: forced
- Floor 23: optimally skip this floor, but Stalkins offer good rupees if needed
- Floor 31: forced. Use BA to defeat beamos from above, then go down to finish Keese
- Floor 33: Defeat Redead nearest platform, then get Poe (52/60)
- Floor 39: 200R in dig spot dead center (400R+)
- Floor 41: forced. Use BA to defeat Armos from above
- Floor 44: Drop from ledge to avoid Dynalfos, Poe on floor 44 (53/60)
- Savewarp (470R)
Post Cave of Ordeals
- Poe above entrance (54/60)
- Warp South Faron
- Buy the Coro Bottle (370R)
- 4 of 4 Bottles
- Break rocks leading to owl statue area (385R)
- Mist HP #39 (17 4/5)
- [E: Claws / B&C / Gale / BA]
- Poe (55/60)
- Warp Bridge of Eldin
- Back to HV
🠋 Hidden Village Howling Stone
- Cats minigame for HP #40 (18 0/5)
- Poe from below in HV
- Poe (56/60)
- Warp UZR
- UZR Poe (57/60)
- Swim to Hyrule Field North
- HFN Bridge Poe (58/60)
- End of required night cycle
- GB #23 (F!Stag Beetle) outside cave
- [E: BA / B&C / Gale / Spinner]
- Block Puzzle Cave for HP #41 (18 1/5)
- Dash to east part of HFN
- GB #24 (M! Stag Beetle) by tree
- North Field Grotto
- Double Poe (60/60)
- Purple in boulder (435R)
- Dash to spinner tracks shortcut
- Boulder rupees (465R)
- Tracks for Spinner HP
- HP #42 in chest (18 2/5)
- Warp Mirror Chamber
- Activate Mirror
Palace of Twilight
- West Wing first room
- Use shield bash + spin attack
- Grab 50R in small chest on the right before SK (515R)
- WW second room, use clawshots
- Phantom Zant 2
- 2nd staircase timesaver
- Plat room HP - walk off slightly right
- HP #44 in west wing (18 4/5)
- Exit west wing
- Place second Sol
- Light Sword
Hyrule Castle
- Warp Castle Town
- Mailman Skip
- Donate 500R to Charlo (515R -> 15R)
- Receive HP #45 from Charlo (20 0/5, HP done)
- Star 2 for Giant Quiver (0R)
- Give all 9 remaining bugs to Agitha (600R + Giant Wallet)
- Magic Armor (2R)
- Squidna cutscene
- Hidden Skill - Greatspin (7/7)
- Barrier 1 with Great Spin / Barrier 1 Skip
- Barrier 2 Skip
- Pull gate open
- King Bulblin 4
- Small key from King Bulblin
- One frame backflip pause to skip Midna text
- Enter Castle
- Barrier 3 Skip on left side
- Clawshot chandeliers
- [E: Claws / Lantern / Gale / BA]
- Darknut Skip or fight Darknut
- West Wing
- Torch puzzle (up left, down right, down left, up right)
- Dynalfos with bomb arrows
- Alternatively use Greatspin
- Aeralfos with BA
- Stab combo x2 OR Stab combo -> HS -> GS -> finishing stabs
- [E: Claws / Spinner / Gale / BA ]
- Small Key
- Useful People because they actually helped us in this run
- Boss Key
- Enter Tower
- Block Room Shortcut
- Roll over falling blocks, don't bonk
- Use Bomb arrows against Lizalfos
- Staircase climbs
- Final Darknut Skip
- Pray for 7 Cycle Puppet Zelda
- 2 Cycle Beast Ganon
- No Fairy Tears unless you skipped Argorok 2-cycle
- Horseback
- Ganondorf
- GG!
Alternative Routes:
It is worth noting there are some slightly faster alternatives to this route that generally aren't considered worth or haven't been properly routed. These include:
Day-Night Cycles
Relative difficulty of each day-night cycle:
- Post MDH: Not too difficult and has some leniency, but costs significant time to fail because of the poes at the end.
- Post AG / Pre-SPR: Not at all tight on time.
- Post ToT: The toughest day-night cycle in the route, but still somewhat lenient. The route document notes two poes that can be moved to make it more lenient.
- Post Cave: Quite lenient; a good opportunity to grab any missed poes.
Some considerations for the Post-ToT D/N cycle:
- Poes: ones that can be skipped or relocated include the Kakariko Gorge Poe and the Connection Cave Poe.
- Rupees: The Snowpeak Cave 100R will cost D/N time as it also passes inside the cave. Kakariko Graveyard 50R is a safer, albeit slower backup.
- Kakariko Gorge: If you forgot to place Epona, warp Kakariko Village to call her and ride her to Gorge.
- If you miss both the Gorge HPs and Poe, a good time to return is after Cave of Ordeals to grab them in one trip.
Other Notes:
- There are various backup rupees. See GCN 100% addenda for a full list, most of which also apply in this route too.
Last updated 01/04/2025