GCN Low%


On top of Any%, Low% currently skips the following:

  • Faron Small Key
  • North Faron Portal
  • Death Mountain Portal
  • Castle Town Portal
  • Bomb Bag
  • 3 Arbiter's Grounds Poes
  • 1 Arbiter's Grounds Small Key

Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3 as all files are used during the run.

It is helpful to watch a top run on the leaderboard for reference when learning, as this route document can only go into so much detail.


Master Sword

Forest Temple

  • Master Sword Cutscene
  • Warp South Faron
  • Cross purple mist with lantern
  • Early Master Sword again to skip portal
  • Enter Forest temple
  • Early Monkeys (This will also activate Early Boss Fights for later on)
    • Save on File 3
    • BiT behind load zone
    • BiTE
      • Perform BiTE and load File 2 (outside Bo's House)
    • Soft reset as soon as the cutscene starts playing (Start+X+B), then mash start as soon as the screen starts to fade out to skip the cutscene (timing isn't precise)
  • Load File 3 (Forest Temple)
  • Break cage and kill spiders with nuts
  • Light torches
  • Cross monkey chain to Ook
  • Boomerang
  • Savewarp

Getting to Eldin Twilight (Gorge Void)

Getting to Eldin Twilight (No Gorge Void)

Eldin Twilight

  • Note: During Eldin and Lanayru Twilight, collect as many misc rupees as possible (without losing time).
  • Enter graveyard
  • Kill graveyard bug
  • Well Clip once you hear bug explode
  • Basement bugs
  • Collect graveyard bug tear
  • Malo Mart bug
  • Hotel bug
    • 20R in chest under staircase (36R+)
    • 10R behind cabinet (46R+)
  • Dash Cancel across roofs
  • Abandoned House bug
    • Check boxes for rupees (47R+)
  • Barnes Shop bug
  • Bomb House Skip
  • Watchtower bug
    • Get 5R pot (52R+)
  • DMT bugs
  • Skip Death Mountain portal with clawshot
  • Quick steam cycle
  • Final bug

Lanayru Twilight

  • Backtrack up Death Mountain
  • Warp meteor to Zora's Domain as human
  • Rutela skip
  • Lanayru Vessel
    • For an alternate route through Lanayru Twilight using Epona OoB instead of Ending Blow Moon Boots, see the Addenda
  • Bug outside Lanayru spring
  • Lake Hylia warp portal
  • Stepping stones for bug
  • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Wall bug and Rutela Skip
  • Waterfall Sidehop or drop down right wall to bug (40R+)
    • If you fail waterfall sidehop by not sidehopping at all, savewarp
    • If you fail waterfall sidehop by falling to the lower level, use Midna jumps to climb back up
  • 2 lilypad bugs
  • Bug on cliff (RNG rupees in grass)
  • Howl at UZR stone
  • Listen to Iza for bug
  • Down the river
  • Dash to Golden Wolf
  • Ending Blow
  • Savewarp to return to Lanayru
  • Skip Castle Town Portal with Ending Blow Moon Boots
  • Dash cancel through Castle Town
  • Castle Town bug
  • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Bug behind Fyer's house
  • Howl at grass
  • 4 Kargarok bugs, bonk, and press B to say 'No' to Midna
  • Last small bug
  • Boss Bug
  • Vessel complete

Lakebed Temple

  • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Head to Upper Zora River on land
  • Upper Zora River warp portal
  • Steal the Lent Bomb Bag with Ooccoo
    • Ooccoo back to Lakebed
  • Empty Bomb Bag
  • 10 WB in chest (10 WB)
  • Boss Key Skip
  • Morpheel without Zora Armor
  • Don't collect Heart Container
  • Enter Portal

Midna's Desperate Hour

  • Transform wolf
  • Dash to Castle Town (Zoom out to reduce lag)
  • Enter Telma's Bar through the door
  • Push Box once and dash jump to window
  • Poe
  • Enter sewers
  • Burn first web as wolf with stick
  • Transform at 2nd web and use lantern
  • Dig into hole
  • Bulblin Archer
  • Exit tower
  • Early wind cycle
  • Zelda cutscene

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Warp to Zora's Domain
  • Enter Peak province
  • Map Glitch
  • Howling stone (UMDMDUMD)
  • Snowpeak Messenger Skip
  • Blind Snowboarding
  • Enter Snowpeak Ruins
  • Enter door on the left
  • Early Heart Piece 2 (Don't get the Heart Piece)
  • Clawshot through the ceiling
  • Jump down or clawshot to door below
  • Ice Clip
  • Enter the main room
  • Freezard Skip
  • Darkhammer 1-Cycle with Master Sword
  • Ball & Chain
  • Enter back room
  • Sidehop twice to the right
  • Swing Ball & Chain around your head and look down
    • 100R from bubble (152R+)
  • Savewarp
  • Load in Snowpeak first room
  • 100R from armor in the lobby (252R+)
  • Leave Snowpeak

Arbiter's Grounds

  • Note: Stallord Skip is not required, but is faster. See addenda for non-Stallord Skip routing.
  • Item wheel buffer before warping
  • Warp Upper Zora's River
  • Enter Iza's Hut
  • Steal the Lent Bomb Bag without Ooccoo
    • Press B to exit automatic Iza text, then press A and open the map on the same frame to warp away after saying 'Yes'
    • (If the minimap is open, use d-pad right to open the map for warping; if the minimap is closed, use d-pad left)
  • Warp Late Hylia
  • Get Auru's Memo
  • Dash down to cannon
  • Show Memo and go to Desert province
  • Enter Bulblin Camp without a boar
  • Map Glitch to King Bulblin
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds as Human
  • Human entrance
  • Pull chain
  • Small key
  • Watch the Poe cutscene and safety save
    • Note: resetting the game to retry the Poe Slide will cause the Lent Bomb Bag to disappear.
  • Rupee Slide through Poe Gate (257R+)
  • Boss Key Early (Ignore Boss key for now)
  • Fastest Stalfos with Bombs
  • Death Sword 1 cycle
  • Spinner
  • Backtrack through spinner room
  • Boss Key
  • Stallord Skip or fight
  • Don't collect Heart Container

City in the Sky

Palace of Twilight

  • Enter cannon
  • Land in water (landing on bridge deals 2 hearts of damage)
  • Warp Upper Zora's River
  • Enter Iza's Hut
  • It might be useful to safety save here.
  • Steal the Lent Bomb Bag without Ooccoo
    • Press B to exit automatic Iza text, then press A and open the map on the same frame to warp away after saying 'Yes'
    • (If the minimap is open, use d-pad right to open the map for warping; if the minimap is closed, use d-pad left)
  • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Empty Bomb Bag
  • Re-enter City in the Sky
  • Get 15 WB from chest
  • Leave City in the Sky
  • Land in water (landing on bridge deals 2 hearts of damage)
  • Warp Mirror chamber
  • Note: The water bombs will be lost upon saving, dying, or finishing a dungeon. Don't save or die until Palace of Twilight is complete.
  • Transform wolf
  • Enter Palace of Twilight
  • West wing
  • Phantom Zant 1
  • Skip Midna sol text
  • Staircase timesaver 1
  • Exit west wing
  • Place sol 1
  • LJA to east wing
  • LJA after small key
  • Phantom Zant 2
  • Staircase timesaver 2
  • Place sol 2
  • Master Sword Upgrade
  • Enter north wing
  • Place sols
  • Out of bounds LJA
  • Small key with faster platform spawn
  • Out of bounds LJA to door
  • Boss key shortcut
  • Platform to Zant head
  • Void out
  • Zant heads
  • Small key
  • Early Platform
  • LJA after early platform
  • Enter Zant
  • Zant without Zora Armor
  • Portal

Hyrule Castle


Non-Stallord Skip Route

Stallord Skip is not required for low%, but it does save about 1 minute. The following routing can be used instead of Stallord Skip.

(⮤ return to route)

NG+ Route

Though significantly slower, there is an old low% route that obtains the same number of items. It can be found here

BiTE Route

If preferred, BiTE can be used instead of gorge void and rupee roll. The route getting to Eldin Vessel is as follows:

(⮤ return to route)

Alternate Lanayru Twilight Routing

The Castle Town portal can be skipped by riding Epona Out of Bounds from East Hyrule Field. Using this trick (~90s slower), the Lanayru Twilight route is as follows:

  • First bug after bridge
  • Lake Hylia Portal
  • Stepping stones for bug
  • Bug behind Fyer's cannon
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Call and ride Epona out north
  • Map Glitch
  • Put Epona OoB by Kakariko entrance (fall down a bit using the void floor)
  • Savewarp
  • Epona OoB to Castle Town (east bridge entrance)
  • Get Castle Town bug
  • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Kill bug on the wall
  • Skip Rutela cutscene again
    • Transform Human behind pillar
    • Collect tear - use boots to go under arch again
    • Waterfall sidehop
      • OR
      • Use L+Right to move sideways, put on boots just after arch
      • Climb up out to the right
  • Transform wolf
  • To bug by right side of map
  • Lily pad bugs
  • Bug on cliff
  • Listen to Iza for bug
  • Howl at grass for Kargarok
  • Kargarok bugs backwards
  • Crash into wall and say no
  • Last small bug
  • Boss bug
  • Finish Twilight

(⮤ return to route)

Last updated 09/10/2024 – anorakkis