Back in Time Glitch

Discovered by Mast3rlinkX

The Back In Time glitch (BiT) is a bizarre trick that allows Link to respawn on the title screen map. This is done by voiding out (or exiting a map using Ooccoo) and resetting the game on the exact same frame. The title screen map is a stripped down version of Hyrule Field East (Bridge of Eldin area) that lacks load zones and enemies. After spawning on the title screen map, pressing Start or A on the GCN version causes the title logo to appear; on the Wii version, pressing A or B will sometimes crash the game (see Wii Precautions for ways to help avoid this). If Link voids out, he will continue to respawn on the title screen map, but the title logo cannot be accessed.

Back in Time is used in speedruns to make Back in Time saves and to perform Back in Time Equipped to get to Kakariko or set Early Boss Fights (EBF).


The most common methods of achieving Back in Time in speedruns are dropping, sidehopping, or jump attacking into a void.

Ordon Bridge

Fast BiT at Ordon Bridge (GCN)

Setup by Venick

The fastest way to do Back in Time at the beginning of the game is to sidehop off the bridge and reset on the correct frame. A good setup for this is to align link in the left corner of the gate, sidehop, then bring up the item wheel on the frame where Link's right foot is in front of the rope, as shown in the video below. Then hold Start + X + B (B must be last) to close the item wheel and reset at the same time.

Consistent BiT at Ordon Bridge (GCN)

Discovered by Dragonbane

There is a consistent set-up for BiT at Ordon Bridge which involves pressing D-right and A at the same time which uses the map to buffer.

  1. Hang off the edge shown in the video between the two ropes
  2. Press D-Right and A at the same time (alternatively you can unplug your controller, hold D-right and A, then plug it back in, which assures they are both pressed on the same frame)
  3. If done correctly, Link will drop for one frame frame and the map will come up
  4. Press B once to zoom out once so that the next B press will close the map
  5. Soft reset by pressing Start+X+B (B must be last)

BiT on Ordon Bridge (Wii)

Discovered by LogitechSDAZ

It is possible to do Back in Time on the Wii Version of the game as well. Since the reset mechanism on the Wii works differently, the consistent setups above do not work on Wii, so you just have to buffer on the correct frame. The video below shows the frame for soft reset (via the Home button). Resetting with the physical reset button on the console is possible as well and saves 2 seconds, but is hard to pull off.

Consistent BiT on Ordon Bridge with Pause Menu (Wii)

Setup by Wolf in Water

This setup is lenient and can be done anywhere on Ordon bridge, provided Link sidehops into the void. Note that this setup is best for 1.0 and PAL, but can be done on 1.2 as well. Steps:

  1. Hold Z (target).
  2. While holding left or right, press A to sidehop and + to pull the pause menu.
  3. If successful, Link will begin his sidehop animation. If Link does not sidehop then retry step 2.
  4. If Link is on frame 1 of his sidehop, then unpause and console reset as soon as the menu fades to black. If Link is on frame 2, then console reset right after unpausing.

The video below demonstrates both scenarios (goes into more detail) and also shows how this setup works with Home menu reset.

Consistent BiT on Ordon Bridge with Iron Boots (Wii)

Setup by Simikins

This setup requires Iron Boots. Equip Iron Boots, then hang off the right side ledge of the bridge, then press A to drop and open the item wheel at the same time. Close the item wheel, then open the map 1 frame(?) later. Then close the map and hit the home button at the same time; you should hear the map close sound effect briefly. Reset the game using the Home menu prompt.

Other common BiT locations

Forest Temple BiT

See Forest Temple BiT page.

Consistent BiT on Hyrule Castle Rooftops

Discovered by Dragonbane

There is a consistent set-up for BiT on the Hyrule Castle Rooftops.

  1. Stand on the spot shown in the video between the battlements after the stairs so that Wolf Link's tail barely touches the black splodge on the ground and his paw is on the small black line.
  2. Hold B for a split second and D-up to open the Item Menu immediately after releasing it.
  3. You will see Wolf Link slightly jump. If you hear him bark you pressed D-Up too late.
  4. Soft Reset by pressing Start+X+B (making sure B was pressed last). You will hear Wolf Link bark as soon as you trigger the Reset.

Consistent BiT on Sacred Grove Entrance

Discovered by Dragonbane

There is a consistent set-up for BiT at the Entrance of Sacred Grove.

  1. Leave Sacred Grove and hug the Wall to the right until you reach the ledge. Wolf Links back left paw has to be in the upper half of the black splodge.
  2. Hold B for a split second and D-up to open the Item Menu immediately after releasing it.
  3. You will see Wolf Link slightly jump. If you hear him bark you pressed D-Up too late.
  4. Soft Reset by pressing Start+X+B (making sure B was pressed last). You will hear Wolf Link bark as soon as you trigger the Reset.

Other methods

Ooccoo Warp Method

  1. Obtain an Ooccoo (Sr. and Jr. both work).
  2. Use the Ooccoo to warp away.
  3. Hit reset just as Link starts to spin and warp away. (The timing to reset is slightly different between Sr. and Jr.)

Quicksand or Lava Method

  1. Find some lava or quicksand and jump into it
  2. Wait until the line of lava or quicksand reaches about halfway between Link's wrist and his knuckles
  3. On the Wii version, press the Home button on the Wiimote, and select Reset. On the GameCube version press the Reset Button.
Last updated 09/15/2024 – bewildebeest