GCN All Mirror Shards

Begin from the premade file:

Note: Grove 2 enables Early Boss Fights, which is not cleared during Temple of Time. EBF will need to be cleared between runs.

Snowpeak Ruins

Arbiter's Grounds

City in the Sky

  • Enter Sanctuary
  • Early City in the Sky
  • Warp Cannon to Lake Hylia
  • Repair Cannon (300R)
  • Enter City in the Sky
    • [Clawshot / Boomerang]

Temple of Time

  • Mash B to land on bridge
  • Warp N. Faron
    • [Bombs / Boomerang]
  • Bomb Boost to Grove (21B)
    • [Bow / Lantern]
  • Skull Kid Chase
  • Skull Kid Fight
  • Enter Master Sword Area
  • Set Master Sword
  • Sacred Grove Warp Portal
  • Enter Grove (Past)
  • Set Master Sword
  • Enter Temple of Time
  • Place pot on switch
  • Small Key
    • [Clawshot / Boomerang]
  • Skip Ooccoo
  • Gate Skips using clawshot
    • [Bomb Arrows / Spinner]
  • Up stairs using Spinner
  • Skip using block
  • Kill Armoses with Bomb Arrows (19B)
  • Small Key
  • Across circle room and through locked door
  • Slash crystal switch
    • [Bomb Arrows / Clawshot]
  • Skip shooting crystal again
  • Crystal Switch room with bomb arrows (16B)
    • [Spinner / Clawshot]
  • Boss Key early
    • [Clawshot / Bomb Arrows]
  • Boss Key (15B)
  • Jump down to the left and enter door
  • Small Key
    • [Boomerang / Bomb Arrows]
  • LJA last barrier
  • Bomb-arrow both armoses (13B)
  • Darknut (Use bomb arrow to start fight) (12B)
  • Dominion Rod
    • [Dominion Rod / Bomb Arrows]
  • Savewarp
  • Door of Time Skip
  • Room Before Boss
  • Arrows in pot if less than 3 arrows
  • Armogohma (11B)
  • Enter Portal
Last updated 07/24/2024 – WaterproofTeabag_