Back in Time Equipped

Discovered by Mast3rlinkX

The Back In Time Equipped Glitch (BiTE) is a trick that allows you to warp to the first King Bulblin Fight like the Back in Time Glitch, but allows you to use the items obtained from another save file (the file loaded in step 4 below).


BiTE is used for two purposes in speedruns:

  • Getting to Kakariko. Performing BiTE and then defeating King Bulblin spawns Link in Kakariko, just as finishing the normal King Bulblin fight does. This can be used to avoid traveling to the Kakariko Gorge, and it is especially useful in routes that don't need to get map warping at the gorge and/or make use of other ramifications of defeating King Bulblin (Barnes' bomb bag, Kakariko silver rupee, Kakariko Graveyard golden wolf).
  • Setting Early Boss Fights (EBF). See the EBF page for more information.

How To

  1. Activate Back in Time on any game file (the previous game data is ignored while on the title screen).
  2. When you respawn on the title screen map, press Start or A to bring up the title icon. On the Wii version, this may crash the game (even when taking precautions); If this happens then simply try it again.
  3. Jump into the void, and when Link starts screaming, press Start or A. If timed correctly, the save file selection screen will open while Link screams in the background.
  4. Select and load a file. If the selected file is valid (see below), the King Bulblin fight will be triggered, and you'll have all of your items to fight him with. If the selected file is invalid (see below), the game will lock in an indefinite black screen.

It's important to note that the success of the Back in Time Equipped Glitch depends on the state of the area the savefile is in and the spawn point ID that is being loaded in, for BiTE to work they both have to exist in the eldin field map as well, the room ID of the savefile being used also has to be 0 as that is the room ID of the Bulblin map. Dragonbane0 has created an excellent table for save points which can be found here. Some common valid BiTE saves used in speedruns include:

  • in Ordon after getting the iron boots (Any%)
  • in Ordon after buying the slingshot (100%)
  • in South Faron after clearing Faron Twilight on a file that began with a BiT save (All Dungeons, misc. categories that use BiTE to get to Kakariko).


In the video below, the following happens:

  1. A valid BiTE save is made in Snowpeak Ruins, where Link has the Zora Armor on and the clawshot and boomerang equipped
  2. A second save is loaded near a void that can be used to perform BiT (any void works; if there were a convenient void inside Snowpeak Ruins, that could have been used without loading a separate file)
  3. BiT is done to get onto the title screen, where Link has the properties of title screen Link: Hero's Clothes, Ordon Sword, Hylian Shield
  4. BiTE is done using the save file made in Snowpeak Ruins following the steps outlined in "How To" above
  5. Link loads into the King Bulblin fight with all the properties of the save file made in Snowpeak: Zora Armor is on, clawshot and boomerang are equipped, and all of Link's items and equipment are preserved, as is game progress

Death Method

Dying during Back in Time also spawns Link in the King Bulblin fight. This is not quite the same as standard BiTE because Link retains the properties of title screen Link rather than properties of a save file loaded for BiTE, but it can still be used to achieve the same two purposes listed at the top of this page without needing a valid BiTE save file beforehand. Note, however, that while the death method is equivalent to standard BiTE for setting EBF (aside from being slower), it is not usually useful for getting to Kakariko because it results in a softlock: With only his title screen properties, Link is stuck in Eldin Twilight and cannot transform to wolf.

Skip Bulblin Field Fight

Discovered by DragonBane0

The state for phase two on the bridge for Bulblin 1 is state 4, if you do BiTE with a savefile in state 4, along with a working spawn point and room ID 0. There are only two known locations where this is the case, the first being a savewarp in the cave before entering Goron Mines After Temple of Time, the other being savewarp in kakariko after wagon escort and making zora queen go into the graveyard so the savewarp spawns you by the pond. In 100% The location in the cave is used to skip the field fight as it is also possible to get BiT very quickly from the savewarp location. All that is required upon the savewarp is turn around, LJA over the trigger and jump attack into the void to get BiT.

BiTE 100% Speedrun Use (Obsolete)

Discovered by LogitechSDAZ

After getting the iron boots, save in Mayor Bo's House. Go to the Ordon Ranch, and immediately after Link stops moving, turn around and use a Long Jump to get over the loading zone. From here, roll about 3 times and do BiTE. This will automatically warp you to the King Bulblin battle. Obviously this faster spot for BiTE can't be done on the Wii Version, so instead, BiTE would be done from the bridge to the Faron Woods for the Wii.

There is a set-up that uses shield bash after the LJA over the loading zone which can be buffer and hence a good alternative. To do this stand just before a white spot on the wall shown in the video which is near the edge of the physical ground, then line up your first heart between the two poles, finally press R and D-Right at the same time to buffer the shield bash, now zoom out once and then press X-Start-B (With B being the last button)

BiTE Any% Speedrun Use

  1. After getting the Master Sword, save and perform BiT in Forest Temple. (Alternatively you can perform BiTE on Hyrule Castle Rooftops or Sacred Grove Entrance, which has consistent unplug setups, though they are notably slower and obsolete.)
  2. Load the 2nd file (Ordon Village). This will automatically warp you to the King Bulblin battle.
  3. As soon as the cutscene plays, hit Start+X+B to soft reset and then mash start as soon as the screen starts fading out to skip the cutscene.
  4. Load your run-savefile to get Early Monkeys and Early Boss Fights.
Last updated 09/15/2024 – bewildebeest