Keaton Quiz is a mini game that can be played to win a piece of heart. If Link wears the Keaton Mask then interacts with the Keaton bushes the Keaton will appear. There are three locations the game can be played at: North Clock Town, Milk Road, and Mountain Village during spring. The Keaton will ask you questions about things in the game. You must answer five consectutive questions correctly in order to win. There are 30 possible questions.
There are actually two more Keaton bush locations and they are during the intro to the game. One is by the logs Link jumps over after the Skullkid steals Epona. The second in the room where Skullkid turns Link into a Deku Scrub. The mini game cannot be played at these bushes however, even if the mask is worn.
Question | Answer |
What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed? |
At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up? |
How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use during practice? |
What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice? |
What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch? |
What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teaches you? |
How many tiny cow figurines are there in Clock Town? |
How many cows are there at Romani Ranch? |
How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch? |
Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk? |
How old is Tingle, the map salesman? |
What are the magic words that Tingle created? Tingle, Tingle...what? |
Is Tingle the mapmaker left-handed or right-handed? |
What color of trunks does Tingle the mapmaker wear? |
What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town? |
What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town? |
What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar? |
What is the name of Clock Town's inn? |
What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have? |
What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing? |
What is the name of Anju's father? |
Who is the leader of the Bombers gang? |
Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be? |
How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town? |
What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother? |
What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? |
How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? |
Mikau is of which race? |
Darmani is of which race? |
What instrument does the Skull Kid play? |
Question | Answer |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが 眠る 時間は? |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが 起きる 時間は? |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが 練習で使っているフーセンは何コ? |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが 練習で使っている武器は? |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが つけた おまえの アダナは? |
牧場の娘 ロマニーが 教えてくれる 曲の名前は? |
クロックタウンの中に ウシの置物は 何コある? |
ロマニー牧場で 飼っている ウシの数は 何頭? |
ロマニー牧場の ウシ小屋で 飼ってる コッコは 何羽? |
牧場の当主クリミアの ミルクの お届け先は? |
マップ屋の チンクルのトシは? |
チンクルの作った 魔法の呪文は? チンクル チンクル・・・何? |
マップ屋 チンクルは 左きき? 右きき? |
マップ屋 チンクルの パンツの色は 何色? |
クロックタウンで 今年も開かれる 祭りの 名前は? |
クロックタウンの 町長の名前は? |
ミルクバーで売られている ビンテージミルクの名前は? |
クロックタウンにある 宿屋の名前は? |
クロックタウンの宿屋の娘 アンジュのクセは? |
クロックタウンの宿屋の娘 アンジュの苦手なのは? |
アンジュの父の 名前は? |
ボンバーズの 団長の名前は? |
カーニバルで使う 月見やぐらは 最終的に 何段? |
クロックタウンにある ポストの数は? |
バクダン屋の店主は 母親のことを なんて呼ぶ? |
ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルーの 歌姫の名前は? |
ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルーの メンバーの数は 何人? |
ミカウって 何族? |
ダルマーニって 何族? |
スタルキッドが使う 楽器は? |