
The best way to fight each phase is dependent upon the category you're running and what equipment you have.

─── Majora's Mask ───

Mask hovers around the room and has two attacks:

  • Spinning attack. This attack is variable length and can last quite a while. Mask is completely invulnerable during this attack.
  • Laser. This attack is fixed length. It can be reflected with the mirror shield, but it deals fire damage, so Link will void out if hit with it as Deku or Zora. If hit with the attack as human, make sure to roll to extinguish the residual flames before transforming to Deku or Zora, as otherwise you'll void immediately after the transformation.

The boss remains begin flying around the arena partway through the Mask fight and can shoot Link with light balls.

Mask with LA and bombs (no Zora)

See second half of video for steps and visual cues.

Mask with Fierce Deity

Stun with a sword beam, then jumpslash and back away before the cutscene. Stun with another sword beam and hit with another sword beam. Before the transition to Incarnation begins, you can turn around and try to hit one or more of the remains with sword beams.

─── Majora's Incarnation ───

A bomb exploding in the center of the room will always knock Incarnation down. Otherwise, its actions are erratic and include moonwalking, a light ball attack, pretending to trip, and sprinting.

Incarnation with Fierce Deity

Stun with a sword beam, then spam sword beams.

─── Majora's Wrath ───

Wrath can dodge or block most attacks, but it never dodges a light arrow shot, even if you're out of magic and Link only fires a normal arrow.

Wrath with Fierce Deity

The simplest tactic is to stun Majora with a sword beam, then land 5 jumpslashes with animation cancels. The strategy in the video below is faster and more complex, and is explained in detail in the video.

This video demonstrates the fast strategy with input display.

Wrath with Fierce Deity and GFS

This strategy loses about 3.6s to the optimal strategy with Fierce Deity. Take a step forward and then roll. Target Wrath and mash B during the roll to slash it. Transform to human, take out the GFS, and jumpslash Wrath. Power crouch stab four times to finish the fight. In order for the crouch stab stunlock to work, each crouch stab except the final one must be timed just before Wrath would otherwise get up and jump away. A good visual cue for timing these is inputting another crouch stab each time Wrath's hands reach the floor.

Last updated 01/29/2025 – bewildebeest