Enemy Info

Based on this spreadsheet:

ID Name Type Description Health Damage Bait
Zol Zol Enemy A weak, gelatinous monster that moves
slowly by expanding and contracting.
1 2
ZolBoundary Zol (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 4 4
ZolFire Ignizol Enemy A white Zol with a flame on top of it.
Anything it touches is set ablaze.
6 4 (Unlit)
8 (Lit)
ZolWater Hydrozol Enemy A Zol variant that grows when exposed
to water. Its liquid surface makes it
immune to fire.
6 4
BuzzBlob Buzz Blob Enemy Slow-moving but powerfully charged
with electricity, this creature's shock
field is even wider in water.
12 3
BuzzBlobBoundary Buzz Blob (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 16 4
MoriblinSpear00 Spear Moblin Enemy A brutish monster found all over Hyrule.
Its hurled spears can reach even high-up
10 4 Carrots, Fish, Meat
MoriblinSpearBoundary Spear Moblin (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 15 5 Carrots, Fish, Meat
MoriblinSpear01 Spear Moblin Lv. 2 Enemy This Moblin throws spears relentlessly,
keeping foes at bay. Its arcing throws
can reach even distant enemies.
29 8 Carrots, Fish, Meat
MoriblinSword00 Sword Moblin Enemy A brutish monster that fights with a
sword. Its kind are fiercely territorial
and form groups throughout the land.
12 4 Carrots, Fish, Meat
MoriblinSword01 Sword Moblin Lv. 2 Enemy This strong Moblin is common all over
Hyrule. It blocks with its shield but
struggles when its attacks are blocked.
29 9 Carrots, Fish, Meat
MoriblinSword02 Sword Moblin Lv. 3 Enemy A veteran Moblin that has mastered
using its huge sword and shield to cut
down all opponents.
38 14 Carrots, Fish, Meat
BoarblinClub00 Club Boarblin Enemy A brute of the northern Gerudo Desert,
this creature bounds directly at foes
and lays into them with its club.
12 4 Carrots, Fish, Meat
BoarblinClubBoundary Club Boarblin (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 18 5 Carrots, Fish, Meat
BoarblinClub01 Club Boarblin Lv. 2 Enemy This desert-dwelling warrior wields a
club and shield. Fiercely territorial, it
will pursue intruders doggedly.
29 9 Carrots, Fish, Meat
BoarblinBoomerang00 Boomerang Boarblin Enemy Trained in the use of boomerangs, this
Boarblin warrior is dangerous both
coming and going.
10 4 Carrots, Fish, Meat
BoarblinBoomerang01 Boomerang Boarblin Lv. 2 Enemy Having mastered the boomerang, this
Boarblin has deadly aim. Its sharpened
boomerangs are quick and accurate.
29 8 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Lynel Lynel Enemy The most fearsome monster in all of
Hyrule, this brute annihilates foes with
mighty swings of its sword.
80 10
20 (Rush Attack)
20 (Spin Attack)
LynelBoundary Lynel (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 150 10
20 (Rush Attack)
20 (Spin Attack)
Lizalfos00 Lizalfos Enemy A hunter by nature, this creature wields
a razor-sharp spear. It stabs prey with
blinding speed.
14 6 Carrots, Fish, Meat
LizalfosBoundary Lizalfos (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 27 10 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Lizalfos01 Lizalfos Lv. 2 Enemy Nimble and lizard-like, this creature is
resistant to fire and able to leap into
close combat from great distances.
20 10 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Lizalfos02 Lizalfos Lv. 3 Enemy This massive Lizalfos is native to the
Faron Wetlands. It is resistant to fire
and is also at home underwater.
30 14 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Darknut00 Darknut Enemy A martial monster in sturdy armor. It is
slow and plodding, but its armor makes
it utterly immune to blunt-force attacks.
18 6
DarknutBoundary Darknut (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 24 8
DarknutPrologue Darknut (Prologue) Non-echoable Enemy 12 4
Darknut01 Darknut Lv. 2 Enemy This elite monster wears bright armor
that protects against most attacks. Its
powerful axe cleaves through foes.
34 12
Darknut02 Darknut Lv. 3 Enemy Huge and powerful, this Darknut variant
wears armor that can even protect it
from arrows.
45 19
Armos Armos Enemy This living statue tirelessly patrols back
and forth in a straight path, never
wavering, always facing directly ahead.
SoldierIronBall Ball-and-Chain Trooper Enemy Armored from head to toe, this mighty
monster swings a ball and chain that
can shatter some things on impact.
26 6
Gibdos00 Gibdo Enemy A bandaged monster that can stop foes
in their tracks. It is weak to fire, though,
and will flee in a panic if exposed to it.
30 8
Gibdos01 Gibdo Lv. 2 Enemy Terrifying and driven by vengeance, this
bandaged horror transforms into a
ReDead when set on fire.
45 12
ReDead ReDead Enemy Endlessly wandering the Gerudo Desert,
this unsettling creature's screams can
freeze enemies in their tracks.
45 12
ReDeadBoundary ReDead (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 20 6
Wizzrobe00 Fire Wizzrobe Enemy A powerful fire magician, this creature
warps across the sky, flinging blades
of flame.
38 12
Wizzrobe01 Ice Wizzrobe Enemy A mighty caster of ice magic, this
creature warps across the sky, freezing
enemies with frigid blasts.
38 12
Wizzrobe02 Electric Wizzrobe Enemy A potent electricity wielder, this
creature warps across the sky, firing
lightning-fast bolts that shock targets.
38 12
Boundillo00 Caromadillo Enemy This monster lives in caves or on plains,
recklessly charging everything it sees. It
holds its tail to roll, bouncing off walls.
12 4 Fish, Meat
Boundillo01 Caromadillo Lv. 2 Enemy A powerful monster that hurls itself with
incredible momentum, flying over holes
with ease.
24 8 Fish, Meat
Rope Rope Enemy A snakelike monster that rushes at its
prey headlong. Able to dodge airborne
foes' attacks with ease.
1 2 Fish, Meat
Toppyu Tornando Enemy This mischievous monster cloaks itself in
a miniature tornado and bursts out from
sandstorms to knock foes backward.
12 12
Kerotone Ribbitune Enemy An amphibious crooner whose golden
croaks draw other monsters to it, which
can be useful as a trap.
12 12
Kerotone01 Drippitune Enemy This amphibious monster's croaking
song can call rain from a cloudless sky.
12 12
TorchSlug Torch Slug Enemy Slimy and able to cling to walls and
floors, this monster leaves a trail of
flame wherever it goes. Beware.
19 6 (Trail)
TorchSlug01 Freeze Slug Enemy Lurking on the walls and floors of the
coldest places, this creature leaves a
path of freezing ice behind it.
19 6 (Trail)
Pitty Holmill Enemy This monster digs holes in soft earth.
Sometimes these holes can be entrances
to hard-to-reach places.
15 7 (Rock)
Wolfos00 Wolfos Enemy This wolflike creature is the bane of
travelers, circling ominously around
them to sow fear and confusion.
24 8 Fish, Meat
WolfosBoundary Wolfos (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 32 12
Wolfos01 White Wolfos Enemy Larger than a normal Wolfos, this white
variant can summon its smaller kin with
its howl.
48 16 Fish, Meat
Keese00 Keese Enemy A monster resembling a bat. If you hold
one aloft and step off a ledge, you can
glide a bit.
1 2
KeeseBoundary Keese (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 2 3
Keese01 Fire Keese Enemy This flying monster burns hot enough
to ignite anything it touches but will be
destroyed by a stiff wind.
8 3
Keese02 Ice Keese Enemy A flying monster shrouded in a zone of
frigid air that can freeze enemies solid.
8 3
Keese03 Electric Keese Enemy Wreathed in electricity, this flying
monster shocks and paralyzes any foe
it touches.
8 3
Mothula00 Mothula Enemy This insect creature blasts through the
air when it spots an enemy. While fast,
it can't stop quickly.
18 8
Mothula01 Mothula Lv. 2 Enemy This powerful Mothula lives in the
wetlands. Attacks won't stop this flying
juggernaut while it is blasting forward.
36 16
Dragonfly Needlefly Enemy Highly intelligent, this large insect is a
master of finding the perfect moment
to attack.
9 4
BirdSea Albatrawl Enemy A patient hunter of the air, this monster
can suddenly dive, even into the water,
to catch its prey.
8 4 Fish, Meat
Crowly Crow Enemy Roosting in high-up spots, this bird
monster swoops down to steal people's
9 4 Fish, Meat, Rupees
Crowly01 Beakon Enemy Persistent and loud, this monster follows
its prey and calls for nearby allies to
attack on its behalf.
18 Fish, Meat
Guay Guay Enemy Soaring implacably above Hyrule Field,
this winged monster dives to attack prey
with its sharp beak.
18 8 Fish, Meat
Octorok Octorok Enemy Found in and around water, this
octopus-like creature spits small rocks
at its enemies, with impressive range.
1 1
Octorok01 Fire Octo Enemy Fire Octo 10 3
Octorok02 Ice Octo Enemy This monster freezes foes with icy spit.
The cold within it leaks out of its head.
10 3
SeaUrchin Sea Urchin Enemy An unmoving aquatic monster with hard
spines that can pierce metal.
1 2
Peese Sand Crab Enemy This crablike monster attacks with its
powerful claws as it skitters to and fro.
1 2
Biri Biri Enemy Electrically charged, this floating
creature zaps an area around itself.
Its field reaches further in water.
4 1
BiriBoundary Biri (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 18 2
Taggler00 Tangler Enemy Nearly spherical and always scowling,
this angry fish charges directly at any
foe it sees.
1 2 Fish
TagglerBoundary Tangler (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 6 4 Fish
Taggler01 Tangler Lv. 2 Enemy Lighting up its surroundings with a
head-mounted lamp, this scowling fish
charges straight ahead.
12 4 Fish
Bombfish Bombfish Enemy This dangerous fish explodes at the
slightest impact and is capable of
breaking weakened walls.
1 12
Gabufin Chompfin Enemy This jagged-toothed bully rules the
water, chomping and spinning with a
slap of its tail.
36 12 Fish, Meat
Piranha00 Piranha Enemy Long fins and remarkable ferocity define
this underwater predator. It pursues its
prey relentlessly.
12 4 Fish, Meat
Piranha01 Sand Piranha Enemy Vigorous and quick, this fishlike creature
swims through sand with ease. It cannot
survive in water, however.
12 4 Fish, Meat
Dekubaba00 Deku Baba Enemy Aggressive and immobile, this plant
reaches for anything that gets near. It is
vulnerable to having its head pulled.
12 3 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Dekubaba01 Bio Deku Baba Enemy Capable of swallowing whole anything
that approaches it, this fearsome plant
is vulnerable to having its head pulled.
24 6 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Dekubaba Deku Baba Lv. 2 Enemy A ferocious plant that uses its large
mouth to snap at and swallow enemies.
Its hard head protects it from attacks.
24 6 Carrots, Fish, Meat
Peahat Peahat Enemy A large plant creature that spins its
spiky roots to attack. Like most plants,
it is vulnerable to fire.
24 4
AnaMonea Giant Goponga Flower Enemy Native to the Faron Wetlands, this
monstrous plant spits large clusters of
dangerous pollen at enemies.
36 11
AnaMoneaBoundary Giant Goponga Flower (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 54 15
Creepee00 Zirro Enemy This troublesome flying monster spits a
continuous rain of bombs from on high.
14 8
CreepeeBoundary Zirro (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 21 8
Creepee01 Ghirro Enemy This airborne pest hinders foes with
its powerful breath. The gale is strong
enough to shove a person around.
Tail Mini-Moldorm Enemy Skittering through its mountainous home
on many legs, this creature's quick and
erratic movements confound foes.
12 4
TailBoundary Mini-Moldorm (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 18 5
Skulltula Strandtula Enemy A spidery monster that spins thread to
dangle from ceilings. The thread is
strong but quite flammable.
6 2
Walltula Crawltula Enemy A spidery monster that does not spin
webs but does walk on walls and
ceilings as easily as flat ground.
12 4
WalltulaBoundary Crawltula (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 18 5
GhomaBaby Baby Gohma Enemy This creature slings sticky webs at foes
to slow them down. The webs are
curiously flammable though.
8 4
ZoroZoro Beetle Enemy This small monster isn't very strong but
can overwhelm the unwary in great
1 2
Aruroda Aruroda Enemy From out of the vast and trackless
desert comes this one-eyed menace. It
tries to get behind foes to sting them.
10 4
ArurodaBoundary Aruroda (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 15 5
Tektight00 Tektite Enemy Resembling a pond skater in action, this
creature hops across the surface of
water, jumping higher every third hop.
12 4
TektightBoundary Tektite (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 18 5
Tektight01 Tektite Lv. 2 Enemy While it has a thick shell and sharp leg
spikes, the single, glaring, red eye is the
dominant feature of this Tektite variant.
24 8
Hidy Hoarder Enemy Naturally camouflaged, this creature
hides underground until an unwary foe
approaches the mushrooms on its back.
24 8
Poe Poe Enemy A mischievous spirit that uses its lantern
to set things on fire. When chased, it
can slip through walls to escape.
22 11 Stuffed Toy
Moa Moa Enemy Fiercely protective of its allies, this
floating monster fires eyebeams at foes.
With no one to protect, it calms down.
19 7
MoaBoundary Moa (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 8 7
StretchyGhost Goo Specter Enemy A gooey nightmare that flattens itself
to the ground, making it impossible
to attack.
19 8 Stuffed Toy
Ghini00 Ghini Enemy Eternally lonely, this one-eyed ghost
has an unfortunate tendency to lick
potential friends.
1 2 Stuffed Toy
Ghini01 Ghini Lv. 2 Enemy The largest type of Ghini, this monster
has a huge eyeball and tongue to match
its stature.
18 8 Stuffed Toy
Leever Leever Enemy A patient, subterranean monster, it
waits for prey, then bursts to the
surface, rotating its blades to attack.
12 4
TrapBladeTimer Pathblade Enemy This monster charges ahead, spinning its
sharp blades, then returns to its starting
point. Its unending motion blocks paths.
1 2
DeathBallReverse Gustmaster Enemy Entirely immobile, this unusual creature
intermittently blows gusts of air strong
enough to lift a person off their feet.
StoneFragile Tweelus Enemy This fire-resistant rock monster's hard
exterior is still vulnerable to impact. It
has a weakness for Rock Roast.
15 4 Rock Roast
StoneFragile01 Temper Tweelus Enemy When attacked, this rage-filled rock
monster moves much faster and heats
up to scorching before cooling again.
30 3 Rock Roast
Freezard Freezard Enemy On spotting an enemy, this monster will
blow out icy breath as it implacably
pursues its quarry.
19 1
FreezardBoundary Freezard (Stilled) Stilled Enemy 30 3
Dandarma Snomaul Enemy A strange and hostile collection of living
snowballs, this creature's true body is
the head. It can regrow lost snowballs.
1 3
7 (Head)
Spark00 Spark Enemy A strange entity that moves along walls.
It is wreathed in electricity and will
shock anything it comes in contact with.
Megadon Platboom Enemy An unusual monster that tries to crush
anything that approaches. The brave
can ride it to high-up places, however.
12 3
Beamos Beamos Enemy Any foe in this strange creature's field
of vision will be struck by its eyebeams.
Under threat, it hardens like rock.
1 7
GanonFirebat Ganon's Firebats Non-echoable Enemy 4
GanonFirebatOp Ganon's Firebats (Prologue) Non-echoable Enemy 4
EnemyLink Sword Link (Imposter) Mini-Boss ? ?
EnemyLinkArcher Bow Link (Imposter) Mini-Boss ? ?
EnemyLinkBomber Bombs Link (Imposter) Mini-Boss ? ?
ImpostorJabujabu Lord Jabu-Jabu (Stilled) Mini-Boss 140 2
6 (Swallowed)
Lanmola Mini-Boss ? 4
BigBari Bori Mini-Boss 72 ?
Testitart Manhandla Mini-Boss ? ? Carrots, Fish, Meat
DeguZol01 Slime Eye Mini-Boss ? ?
DeguZol02 Slime Eye (Half) Mini-Boss ? ?
DeguZol03 Slime Eye (Quarter) Mini-Boss ? ?
DeguZol04 Slime Eye (Eighth) Mini-Boss ? ?
Balom Smog Mini-Boss 12 ?
Balom01 Smog (Refight) Mini-Boss 24 ?
EnemyZelda Tekom Mini-Boss ? ?
GolemFlameMain Volcanic Talus Mini-Boss ? ?
GanonPasteOP Ganon (Prologue) Boss 200 4 (Fireball)
12 (Trident)
GolemMain Seismic Talus Boss 160
12 (to make Core drop)
2 (Spin)
2 (Thrown Arm)
4 (Arm Crush)
Anomalocaris Vocavor Boss 96 2 (Tornado)
2 (Spike)
4 (Circular Attack)
4 (Big Tornado)
Mogriffon Mogryph (Phase 1) Boss 100 2 (Claw)
4 (Rush Attack)
Mogriffon Mogryph (Phase 2) Boss 150 2 (Claw)
4 (Rush Attack)
4 (Tornado)
4 (Dive)
GanonPaste Ganon Boss 400 6 (Trident Hit / Boomerang)
4 (Spinning Trident)
4 (Firebats)
8 (Fireball)
Volvagia Volvagia Boss 250 6 (Green Ball)
3 (Fireball)
Ghoma Gohma Boss 400 10 (Eye Beam)
2 (Claw Spin)
6 (Double Closing Claw)
8 (Claw Fury)
Freblaze Skorchill Boss 400
30 (Helmet)
4 (Crushing Arms)
6 (Crushing Dance)
8 (Spinning) | 4 (Fire Puddle)
4 (Icicle) | 8 (Fire Tornado)
LastBossMu Null (Phase 1) Boss 2400 (Core)
140 (Arm)
8 (Claw Projectile)
8 (Void Puddle)
LastBossMu00 Null (Phase 2) Boss 500 (Core)
13 (Arm)
2 (Tornado)
4 (Big Tornado)
LastBossMu01 Null (Phase 3) Boss 3300 (Core)
140 (Arm)
8 (Claw Projectile) | 12 (Ganon Spear)
8 (Void Puddle) | 12 (Spinning Skorchill)
12 (Spinning Talus)
12 (Mogryph Sand Tornado)
Last updated 12/12/2024 – Owen_Splat