On this page you will find unused but interesting glitches. All glitches not on any other pages are welcome.
This glitch sometimes happen in speedruns, and some routes will make it more common than others. Reasons are not known, but sometimes the light effects glitch to the point that they can be seen through everything, including walls and floors.
On ledges you can grab but not climb up due to there being collision above the ledge, you can usually clip through that piece of collision using this method. Grab the ledge then go either to the right or to the left, then immediately hold up on the control stick. While you are holding up, Link will continue going sideways on the ledge, until it reaches the end of it. He will then climb up and clip through the collision that's above the ledge.
This trick has one good use in Ganon's Tower: it can be used to clip through Phantom Ganon's Wall.
Go to a ledge which makes Link perform a small hop. Equip Iron Boots and walk forward to get that hop. Force unequip the iron boots on the very first frame of the jump by equipping over it. This will make Link jump higher than normal. Because this is still a rather small jump, there is currently no known uses.
Normally, the leafing speed is capped at 12 speed. However, by pulling out the leaf while wearing iron boots and then equipping over the boots to unequip them you can skip the speed cap applying. Thus you will be able to glide at 24 speed, slowly decreasing to 12.
As a bonus, this method of starting to leaf around also skips losing the very first bit of magic normally needed to start leafing. You still need magic to be able to start it though.
This trick has a useful application in Ganon's Tower.
There are several glitches related to backflipping.
By cancelling an arrow shot on the very first frame after the arrow fires by either pressing A or pulling your sword, the arrow will shoot in a strange direction. The direction depends on the way you cancel the arrow shot.
By throwing the grappling hook on the first frame after landing from a sidehop, the grapple will go in the direction that is away from where the camera is, instead of in front of Link like it normally should.
Catch some forest water in a bottle and wait for the timer to run down. Before the timer expires, lift a heavy object like a boulder, Jalhalla, etc. Wait for the timer to expire and you can now walk while carrying the heavy object.
This glitch works with the headstones inside the Wind Temple. Hookshot a headstone but turn the camera away from the headstone after hookshotting it. If the hookshot connects but then the headstone unloads due to the camera being away, turning the camera back to the headstone will get it to snap to Link. This glitch can be used to move those objects around the Wind Temple.
By using the magic armour in the middle of a jump, Link will start shaking. This is only visual. This works even if you have no magic to use the magic armor.
If GAME is too fragmented when entering one of the big islands (like Windfall, FF2, Outset, DRI...), there is a fadeout that reloads the ocean. If you enter the fadeout while swimming, KoRL will respawn at 6 eye reef. You can then savewarp to get warped there.
See Fadeouts on the Actor Unloading page for more information on the fadeout.
If you take a picture right as a fadeout happens (see Fadeouts on the Actor Unloading page), a completely dark picture will be saved.
Sail near a mapfish. Go in free cam mode. Jump out of the boat near a mapfish and pull out the leaf. The screen will go completely dark, due to a division by 0, until you reload the area or pull out the wind waker.
By opening a bag right before a GAME fadeout, you can get the cursor in very strange positions in the menu.
By dying on the exact same frame as you void out, you will respawn at the exit ID 00 of the current stage instead of the normal respawn location. Using storage you can make this slightly easier as you can then drown a few frames after dying and it will work as well.
Currently, the only known ways to do this is by throwing a statue, Medli or Makar in a pit to trigger the void; or by clipping OoB on the overworld travelling pirate ship map. Theoretically, doing this trick in most places will crash the game as many places don't even have a stage exit ID 00 to begin with. Some will crash because they try to send you to an invalid entrance (usually to the test map I_TestM or Grandma's house LinkRM). Among the more useful theoretical warps, doing this anywhere on ADMumi will send you to ADMumi but at the bell.
If you cancel the getting caught by a floormaster cutscene with Text Storage, you will clip underground.
Store the bomb house door text. Get the text to appear, then open the Lenzo door at the same time you close the bomb house door textbox. You can now talk to npcs and make dialogues appear. Every dialogue will be replaced by the bomb house door text stacking on top of itself a lot.
After performing this glitch even once, the game will crash if you attempt to load a different area.
Bid 996 or 997 rupees and let one of the NPCs bid 999 or 1000 rupees. You can now bid 1000 rupees or more.
This only works on the Japanese version. On the US and PAL versions, if you bid 990 rupees or more then the NPCs will never bid again.
Play the Wind's Requiem on a slippery slope. This causes Link to buttslide in place, causing a softlock.
It is also possible to have very long buttslides by entering slippery slopes with a ton of speed, but they usually end, and you can still pause during them, which you can't after wind's requiem.
If you first cut a Stalfos in half then use the light arrows on the head, the Stalfos won't be recognized as defeated. In Overlook and Savage Labyrinth, this makes you unable to beat the room. Thus you should only use light arrows on a Stalfos before cutting it in half.
If you use light arrows against the Miniblins in the Shark Island Secret Cave, their death switch won't be set and thus the fight won't continue and you have to reload the room.
Light Arrows work against Jalhalla but they don't work correctly against the jalhalla poes. If you use light arrows on a jalhalla poe, the poe will vanish but will reappear in the next phase. The cutscene of Jalhalla refomring himself is also longer.
Light Arrows heal Gohma.
Normally, when entering a normal trial, the game switches your inventory back to what you had when you first defeated the boss (see File Item Transfer). However, it doesn't reset on what arrow type of the arrow wheel you are on. Thus, if you enter the Jalhalla or Molgera refight with the arrow wheel on the light arrows, you can use light arrows in the refights despite them not having them anymore.
Use the hookshot on a blue chu and it won't be able to damage you anymore unless you actually attck it with your sword or hammer. This doesn't work with yellow chus. This only works because the blue chu never jumps towards Link, which fixes the glitch with yellow chus.
In addition to the camera lock with the wind waker, there exists some other ways to lock the camera:
After freezing an enemy, picking it up and throwing it, Link can sometimes get knocked back without taking damage. This happens with Morths or Keeses for exemple.
Cruise or sail into a big octo fight but leave the boat right before the fight triggers. You can start the fight without being on your boat. With camera lock, you can superswim away and avoid getting sucked by the whirlpool. If you leave the quadrant the fight stops. If you stay in the quadrant but go too far away from the Octo, it will unload, and it will reload by going closer again. The fight music continues to play until you reload the area or trigger another music.
Entering a whirlpool will give KoRL clipping properties. You can use this to clip him through Outset Island. Unfortunately you cannot exit the boat while inside a whirlpool.
Use the leaf on a mothula performing his dive attack. The parry attack will stay stuck and you will be able to perform it whenever and wherever you want as long as you can target the mothula. The parry goes away if you land a hit or if you reload the room.
The game keeps track of which floor triangle you are above as you are in the air. If you land at the very edge of a ledge in a very precise way you can get the game to consider you grounded without actually updating which floor triangle you are on. Thus the game can sometimes read the collision attribute of the triangle Link was above right before landing on the ledge. This can cause Link to burn from lava or void-out despite not getting near them at all, if the triangle below the ledge is lava-type or void-type, because for that one frame it can consider you to be on the lava/void floor triangle.
In Dragon Roost Cavern, you can dupe lava particles by changing room when a lava geyser is up with a platform on it.
Get Storage and shoot a fire arrow at Ice Ring. Start sailing and unload Ice Ring at the same time as the fire arrow connects. Storage will cancel the cutscene, and you will be able to move around, but now it is snowing around you, no matter where you go.
Defeat Kalle Demos with bombs. Then use the boomerang on the vines still attached to the ceiling. The fight will then start again.
Get caught by a moblin and die or reset at the same time. The jingle will still be playing after the loading zone.
Diving with a gossip stone text softlocks the game. This can either happen in FF1 by triggering the gossip stone text underwater, or in TotG by getting pushed off by the statue in the room before the bow.
Boomerang a bokoblin while it's hanging off a ledge. It will fall and die from fall damage without dying. Thus attacking him will make the fatal blow sound and he won't die.
Freeze a fire bubble and pick it up before it falls and shatters. Now wait for it to unfreeze. You will be holding a live bubble with no fire. Put it down to free the bubble (which won't be in fire anymore). Such a bubble keeps its frozen property, so by using the leaf or the hookshot to turn it into a normal skull temporarely, you can use it to press switches (which a normal bubble or skull cannot do).
Use the grappling hook on a poe, then hookshot it. It will get stuck in an idle state until it is hit again.
Done on the Jalhalla Poes, this can be used to duplicate them.
If you kill a rat on the same frame it tries to pick up a rupee (or any item), and you collect the rupee, the rupee will become impossible to collect despite being still visually there. Sometimes the rupee will also look skewed.
One of the canons on the Stonewatcher platform shares its destroyed flag with the gossip stone text that triggers when trying to lift the Stonewatcher headstone without the power bracelets. Because these are shared zone flags in the same room, this can be abused.
For unknown reasons, going into the compass chest room in TotG with KoRL text stored, and then re-entering the hub room by canceling the door opening animation on the first two frames using the textbox, the events for stopping the waterfall and for the gate to the small key room opening both play early, without their normal requirements fulfilled.