File Item Transfer

Discovered by LegendofLinkk and figured out by JakeZSR, RETIRE and azer67

Note: This glitch also works in the HD version, but the results it gives are slightly different. Click here if you're interested in the HD version of this glitch.

Normal Trial and Glitched Trial

After defeating a boss for the first time in a dungeon, the game saves your inventory for later use in the Trials.

When entering a Trial in Ganon's Tower, the game is supposed to write your current inventory somewhere in the ram to save it, and give you back the inventory you had when you first fought the boss in its dungeon. When you then end the battle, the game uses the ramvalues and copies the saved inventory into your normal inventory, giving you back your items. That is a Normal Trial.

However, by fighting a boss in its dungeon without the telescope (done by performing Outset Escape), then the Trial associated with that boss will enter a Glitched state. That is probably because the game is looking for your telescope first in order to find your inventory. Since you didn't have the telescope when you fought the boss, the game fails to change your inventory and you get to keep your current items. This is a Glitched Trial.

File Item Transfer

The ramvalues used to save Link's inventory aren't wiped when quitting a file. This can be used to transfer items from one file to another, or delete most of your items.

When you enter a Glitched Trial, the game fails to give you back your old inventory and also fails to save your current inventory into ram. When no earlier data is written to the ramvalues, and you leave a Glitched Trial, the game tries to give you back an inventory that it didn't save. The game then overwrites the inventory with what it can read, only 00's when no set up is done, resulting in all items involved with FIT either being removed or turned into item id 00 (which look like bottles in your inventory, and do nothing).

This can however be used in order to transfer items from one file to another. By first entering a Trial in a Normal State, Link's inventory is saved into ram, and by saving and quitting, the ramvalues used to save Link's inventory aren't wiped out. By then entering a Glitched Trial and leaving it (by saving and quitting for exemple), since the game failed to overwrite the old ramvalues with the new ones, you will get the items written previously into ram: the items from the file that entered the Normal Trial.

On the japanese version, Link's inventory can be found at address 0x803B8144, and the copy of the inventory made upon entering a trial occurs at address 0x803BDD64.

How to

To transfer items from one file to another, you will first need a file that has a Glitched Trial (called the main file), and a file that has a Normal Trial (called the setup file). The main file will receive items from the setup file (and it can only be that way).

On the setup file, enter a Normal Trial and quit to the title screen (saving or not doesn't matter). Then on the main file, enter a Glitched Trial. Then simply save warp, and you will now have the inventory from the setup file.

Here is a list of what gets transferred in between files:

  • Every main item (sail, wind waker, telescope, tingle tuner, grappling hook, deku leaf, bombs, boomerang, bow, hookshot, skull hammer, iron boots, magic armor) EXCEPT for the pictobox and the bottles (see below)
  • All Bags (delivery bag, spoils bag, bait bag), and their content
  • All Songs
  • All Triforce Shards
  • All Pearls
  • Rupees (you can transfer more rupees that you can hold. Be careful, as updating your rupee count in any way after doing that will bring you back to your wallet max capacity).

And here is what does not get transferred and doesn't interact with FIT no matter what:

  • Bottles
  • Pictobox and Deluxe Pictobox
  • Hearts
  • Magic
  • All Charts
  • Power Bracelets
  • Gossip Stone
  • The sword
  • The shield
  • Quivers, Bomb Bags and Wallets
  • Hero's Clothes
  • Hurricane Spin
  • Hero's Charm
  • Sea map progression

Extra Notes

  • A Trial associated to a boss that has never been fought before does not work as a Normal Trial or as a Glitched Trial.
  • Since it's possible to both defeat a dungeon boss with the Telescope and another without the Telescope on the same file, it is possible to have one Normal Trial and one Glitched Trial on the same file. This can be done sometimes in order to make use of this glitch without premade files, skipping having to play through the game twice.
  • There are some interesting consequences to the deletion of the pearls: deleting Nayru's Pearl will make Endless Night start once again, and deleting Farore's Pearl will make KoRL refuse to sail in most of the ocean once more.
  • Bottles do not interact with FIT, but interestingly the game hides your bottles containing water, forest water or a forest firefly while inside the trial to make you unable to equip them. An empty bottle or a bottle containing anything else doesn't get hidden this way.
  • This trick can be done in order to obtain the same letter several times, allowing for a way to dupe 2 new heart pieces (the HP from Maggie's sidequest and the HP from the mail minigame sidequest).
  • Since Quivers don't transfer, you might want to obtain one of them early if you intend on obtaining the bow via FIT.
  • If you obtain your first bow with FIT, there won't be arrow drops anywhere for you to pick up. You can still get quiver upgrades to get refills but that's it. This can be fixed by obtaining a bow normally.
Last updated 08/09/2024 – azer67