Glitchless (Any%)

Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3.


  • Epona Cutscene
  • Ride to Ranch getting random rupees from grass (5 R)
  • Goats 1 (10 Goats)
  • Exit House
  • Store Forward and A to jump over ladder
  • Climb Vines to Eagle guy
  • Get and Deliver Crib (10 R)
  • Fishing Rod
  • Mail-box Jump onto roof
  • Grab the two yellow rupees on the roof (30 R)
  • To Dock (Grab rupees in grass if necessary)
  • Catch Fish
  • Enter Sera's Shop (Milk Bottle)
  • Buy the Slingshot (0 R)
  • Exit Shop
  • Wooden Sword
  • Store Forward and A to jump over the ladder
  • Slingshot and sword tutorials

  • Ride Epona to Faron
  • Lantern
  • Small Key
  • Save Talo
  • Goats 2 (20 Goats)
  • Wooden Sword Cutscene

  • Castle Sewers
  • Castle Rooftops
  • Enter Ordon
  • Listen to people by the dock
  • Scare Eagle Guy
  • Ordon Shield
  • Ordon Sword
  • Ordon Spring Warp Portal
  • Enter Faron Twilight

Faron Province

  • Faron Vessel
  • Kill First Two Bugs
  • Bugs In Coro's House (turn off sense to skip cutscene)
  • Kill Bug Before Tunnel
  • Kill Bug on Right Wall
  • Bugs In Main Tree Trunk
  • Burrowed Bugs
  • N. Faron Warp Portal
  • Kill Last Two Bugs

  • 1 frame Backflip for text skip (hug wall to walk around trigger)
  • Coro Small Key
  • Purple Mist with Monkey (Monkey Pushing)
  • Kill Bokoblin next to Trill
  • Refill lantern (rip off Trill)
  • Ending Blow
  • Enter Forest Temple

Forest Temple

  • Spin attack to Break Cage + kill Bokoblin
  • Kill spiders with Slingshot
  • Kill big spider and Light Torches
  • Skip cutscene + 1 frame backflip
  • Go back and go through East Door
  • Small Key
  • JS past hanging spider or Kill it with Slingshot
  • Enter locked door and Save Monkey 2
  • Head back to Main Room
  • Burn web and enter West Door
  • Deku Like skip
  • Enter door behind Boulder
  • Bonk totem pole and get Small Key
  • Light torches and Save Monkey 3
  • Back to previous room
  • Climb vines to the right and Enter door
  • Quick Big Baba fight
  • Save Monkey 4 and go back to the Main Room
  • Use Monkey bridge to get to Ook
  • Ook
  • Gale Boomerang

  • Exit room
  • Use bridges on the right and Save Monkey 5
  • Exit back to Main Room and go through East Door
  • Boss Key with fence jump
  • Head to big open room with the Boss Door
  • Use bridges on the left and Kill spiders with boomerang. Enter door
  • Deku Like 2 skip
  • Save Monkey 6 (YT link) and head back to Bridge Room with 2 Bokoblins
  • Enter West Door
  • Burn web and Save Monkey 7
  • Climb back and up and head to east door
  • Use boomerang from the tunnel to Save Monkey 8
  • Go back to Boss Room and Enter Boss Door
  • Diababa

Eldin Twilight

  • Eldin Vessel
  • Climb tree and enter sanctuary
  • Light torches on wall
  • Basement Bugs
  • Hotel Bug
  • Dash Cancel across roofs
  • Abandoned House Bug (check for rupees)
  • Barnes Shop Bug
  • Bomb House Bugs
  • Enter Death Mountain Area
  • DMT Bug
  • Quick Stream Cycle
  • Death Mountain Bugs
  • Vessel Complete

Getting to Goron Mines

  • Roll To DMT
  • Hit Goron Trigger
  • Roll through Kakariko
  • Tame Epona
  • Ride to Ordon Village
  • Boomerang the orange rupee behind Rusl's House (100 R)
  • Wrestle Bo (Iron Boots)

  • Go back to Eldin
  • King Bulblin 1
  • Climb Death Mountain
  • Use the second to last Goron to boost to ledge on the left and grab three yellow rupees (130 R)
  • Wrestle Gor Coron and Enter Goron Mines

Goron Mines

  • Skip all Flame Jets (YT link)
  • Small Key
  • Pull Stone Slab 6 - 8 times and enter door
  • Key Shard 1
  • Jump across to platform to skip magnet wall
  • Magnet Ceiling Room
  • Main Room with Moving Magnets
  • Small Key underwater
  • Go left and activate switch to get on magnetic ceiling
  • Roll jump off ledge and jumpslash to hit switch in the air
  • Walk up magnet wall and cut bridge down
  • Enter door and get Small Key
  • Enter Locked Door and get Key Shard 2
  • Climb up Ladder and use magnet wall to get to Mini Boss
  • Dangoro
  • Hero's Bow

Lanayru Twilight

  • Get on Epona and ride to Barnes's Shop
  • Buy Barnes Bomb Bag (10 R) [30 B]
  • Ride Epona to Eldin Bridge
  • Eldin Bridge Warp Portal [29 B]
  • Enter Lanayru Twilight
  • Drop down into Lake Hylia
  • Talk to Fyer and quick kill Kargorok
  • Zora's Domain warp portal
  • Lanayru Vessel
  • Lake Hylia Warp Portal
  • Bug next to ladder

  • Warp to Zora's Domain
  • Bug on wall
  • Drop down waterfall
  • Lillypad Bug
  • Bug on cliff
  • Listen to Iza For Bug
  • Down the River
  • Castle Town Warp Portal
  • Dash Cancel through Castle Town
  • Castle Town bug

  • Warp to Lake Hylia
  • Howl at grass
  • Kargarok Bugs
  • Last Small Bug
  • Boss Bug

Zora Armor

  • Roll to Fyer and use Cannon (0 R)
  • Ride Epona to Castle Town
  • Enter Telma's Bar to start Escort
  • King Bulblin 2 with Arrows
  • Break rock on the left with bombs for two yellow rupees (20 R) [28 B]
  • Wait for Wagon to catch Fire and use Boomerang
  • Unlock gate and go right to Kill Bulblin riders
  • Kill Kargoroks with Boomerang
  • Escort Wagon to Kakariko
  • Zora Armor

  • Roll back to Barnes shop
  • Sell Normal Bombs (60 R) [0 B]
  • Buy 10 Water Bombs (10 R) [10 WB]
    • If you have 90R from random rupees, buy 15 Water Bombs (0 R) [15 WB]
  • Roll back to the graveyard and use the shortcut to Lake Hylia [9/14 WB]
  • Enter Lakebed Temple [8/13 WB]

Lakebed Temple

  • Swim up to Surface
  • Grab the 10 Water Bomb chest [15 WB]
    • If you bought 15 Water Bombs earlier, skip this chest [13 WB]
  • Unlock Gate
  • Shoot down stalactites with Bomb Arrows [13/11 WB]
  • Go down stairs and go left. Jump to second lever
  • Go up stairs and go left. Jump to first lever
  • Go down stairs and Enter Door. Get Small Key [11/9 WB]
  • Back to Staircase Room
  • Go up stairs and go right to Locked Door
  • Shoot down stalactite and climb vines. Use switch and enter door [9/7 WB]
  • Drop down to the room before Deku Toad and bomb boost over the fence (YT link) [7/5 WB]
  • Deku Toad with bomb arrows [3/1 WB]
  • Clawshot

  • Exit room
  • Jump down to the right and jumpslash in midair
  • Go right and clawshot over vines
  • Go right and use the switch that requires the clawshot
  • Go up stairs and enter door
  • Go past boulder blown up earlier and enter door
  • Ignore guy in Bubble and climb Spiral slide
  • Sidehop down to pull the lever, and go back to the Main Room (clawshot invisible vines)
  • Go down stairs and enter door
  • Clawshot across Chandeliers and enter door on far side
  • Grab the 10 Water Bomb Chest after first clawshot [13/11 WB]
  • Maze Room with Water Bombs [11/9 WB]
  • Clawshot lever and get Boss Key
  • Savewarp

  • Back to Staircase Room
  • Clawshot Chandelier
  • Drop off ledge and Enter Boss Door
  • Morpheel

Midna's Desperate Hour

  • Dash to Castle Town (Zoom out to reduce lag)
  • Enter Telma's Bar through the door
  • Push Box once and Dash Jump to window
  • Kill Poe
  • Enter Sewers
  • Burn webs as wolf with stick
  • Dig into hole
  • Bulbin Archer
  • Exit Tower
  • Early Wind Cycle
  • Zelda Cutscene

Master Sword

  • Warp North Faron
  • Kill puppets
  • Enter Sacred Grove (call Midna to turn bridges)
  • Howling Stone
  • Chase Skull Kid
  • Master Sword Puzzle (LDUUURRDDDLU)
  • Master Sword

Enter Arbiter's Grounds

  • Warp to Lake Hylia
  • Auru's Memo
  • Show Fyer the memo and go to Gerudo Desert
  • Mesa Warp Portal
  • Shoot the bulblin riders with a bomb arrow and use a boar to get into Bulblin Camp [10/8 WB]
    • Make sure to kill all three bulblin riders, or you'll get the cutscene again later
  • Get Small Key
  • King Bulblin 3
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds as human

Arbiter's Grounds

  • Human entrance
  • Pull Chain
  • Small Key
  • Poe 1
  • Poe Scent
  • Pull chain + Enter Door down stairs
  • Small Key
  • Redead 1 (20 R)
  • Poe 2
  • Back to Main Room
  • Climb stairs and enter door behind you
  • Pull block once and pull the Chandelier across
  • Small Key
  • Poe 3 (60 R)
    • Bomb Arrow the redeads once each, then slash them [8/6 WB]
  • Rat room
  • Across Chandelier into next room
  • Push block on the right 8 times
  • Pull the chandelier 10-11 times as wolf
  • Transform and Roll under Chandelier
  • Enter door
  • Bomb Arrow Stalfos [7/5 WB]
  • Light Torches
  • Poe 4

  • Back to Main Room
  • Do Glitchless Early Boss Key
  • Get Boss Key
  • Epic Spinner Room
    • If you have less than 80R, grab the red rupee chest (80 R)
    • If you are worried about bomb count, grab the bomb chest near the exit door
  • Kill Stalfos with Bombs [5/3 WB]
  • Death Sword
  • Spinner
  • Savewarp

  • Enter Stallord
  • Stallord
  • Exit Arbiter's Grounds

Snowpeak Transition

  • Open Mirror Chamber warp portal
  • Raise Mirror
  • Warp ZD and get Ashei's Sketch
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Go to Graveyard and Show Sketch
  • Warp ZD and fish for Reekfish
  • Climb Snowpeak
  • Snowpeak warp portal
  • Snowboarding (Only get the red rupee on the shortcut) (100 R)
  • Enter SPR

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Talk to Yeta to get Map
  • Enter next room and talk to Yeto
  • Block Puzzle
  • Enter Courtyard and dig under wall
  • Spinner Bomb Boost [4/2 WB]
  • Push Cannon to aim at Freezard
  • Get a Small Key under the snow
  • Unlock door and take Cannon Ball to Cannon
  • Kill Freezard [3/1 WB]
  • Darkhammer with Bomb [2/0 WB]
  • Ball and Chain

Temple of Time

  • Warp to North Faron
  • Use Golden Cucco to get to Sacred Grove
  • Enter Sacred Grove 2
  • Light the torches to get the 30 Bomb Chest [30 WB]
    • Boomerang the skulls behind the chest to try to get arrows
    • Bomb count shouldn't be tight for the rest of the run
  • Grove Warp Portal

  • Enter Temple of Time
  • Pot on Pressure Plate
  • Small Key
  • Gate Skip 1
  • Gate Skip 2 with Jump Attack (Just slash/BA Lizalfos or spin to knock them down) (Multiple methods)
  • Up Stairs using Spinner
  • Skip using Block
  • Kill Armos with Bombarrows
  • Get Small Key and exit back to previous room
  • Across Circle room and Use Small Key
  • Slash Crystal Switch
  • Skip Shooting Crystal again
  • Bomb arrow Crystal Switch 3 times moving onto next section each time
  • Bomb arrow all 4/5 Enemies that have grouped up in the last section

  • Boss Key Early (Multiple methods)
  • Boss Key Room
    • Immediately shoot a bomb arrow ahead to kill the armos
    • Then clawshot the helmasaurs' armor and spin to kill them
    • Use the helmasaur armor to weigh down the switches
  • Exit Boss Key Room
  • Jump Down Left and Enter Door
  • Bomb arrow the Lizalfos
  • Small Key
  • Electric Gate Skip with Clawshot
  • Kill Armos and get Arrows in pot while waiting
  • Darknut
  • Dominion Rod

Enter City in the Sky

  • Exit Temple of Time (skip ooccoo cutscene)
  • Warp to Kakariko Village
  • Talk to Renado and get Renado's Letter
  • Warp to Gerudo Mesa
  • Run through Arbiter's Grounds to set the time to night

  • Warp to Castle Town
  • Show Renado's Letter to Telma and get the Invoice
  • Show the Invoice to Dr. Borville
  • Medicine Scent
  • Talk to Louise
  • Dash to South Castle Town Field
  • Midna Charge the Stalhounds
  • Wooden Statue
  • Warp to Kakariko Village
  • Show Ilia the Wooden Statue (skip cutscene)

  • Warp to Gerudo Mesa
  • Warp the Great Bridge of Eldin
  • Dash to Hidden Village
  • Kill the Bulblin Archers
    • Try not to waste arrows, as arrows will be tight throughout the rest of the run
  • Ilia's Charm
  • Show Impaz the Dominion Rod to get the Ancient Sky Book
  • Transform in the window (precise) and warp to Kakariko Village
  • Get the silver rupee (300 R)
  • Show Shad the Ancient Sky Book (this will restore the Dominion Rod)

  • Warp to Kakariko Gorge and get the first sky letter (north part of the field)
  • Warp to the Great Bridge of Eldin and get the second sky letter (north end of the bridge)
  • Warp to Castle Town and get the third sky letter (amphitheater)
  • Dash to the area above Lake Hylia and get the fourth sky letter (north part of the area)
  • Warp to Gerudo Mesa and get the fifth sky letter (south part of the field)
  • Warp to South Faron and get the sixth sky letter (past the rock)

  • Warp to Kakariko Village
  • Show Shad the completed Ancient Sky Book (skip cutscene)
  • Warp the cannon to Lake Hylia
  • Have Fyer fix the cannon (0 R)
  • Enter City in the Sky

City in the Sky

  • Shoot Crystal Switch with Clawshot
  • Use Ooccoo and a jumpslash to get across the room
  • Exit Window on Left
  • Bridge
  • Small Key
  • Argorok Cutscene Skip
  • Enter East Wing
  • Roll past two fans
  • Gate Unloading
  • Aeralfos
    • If you are worried about your arrow count (less than 5 arrows), there is a pot with arrows that you can get before dropping down
  • Double Clawshots
  • Savewarp

  • Sidehop down and Clawshot onto targets
  • Clawshot up to left ledge
  • Shoot Crystal Switch
  • Clawshot your way up and enter the Baba Room
  • Distract Big Baba and Clawshot up to target
  • Clawshot to vines and walk across thin platforms
  • Clawshot up pillars and down into center of room. Enter door
  • Fast peahat cycle
  • Use peahat to LJA to HP chest
  • Enter Door, Clawshot across peahats, Enter Door
  • Clawshot up to Vines
  • Turn Wolf and go across the ropes
  • Go to door and enter. Clawshot switch and bring down with Boots
  • Boss Key

  • Jump down the hole and Clawshot the grate at the top, then move downwards to activate the Fan
  • Enter the door and use the fans to get Across, enter the door
  • Clawshot your way up the room and open the boss door
  • Argorok

Palace of Twilight

  • Exit City In The Sky
    • Equip Iron Boots before entering Cannon and mash B to land on bridge
  • Warp Mirror Chamber
  • Enter Palace of Twilight

  • Enter North Wing
  • Place Sols
  • Ride platforms and get Small Key
  • Enter Locked Door
  • Boss Key Shortcut
  • Platform to Zant Head
  • Void Out
  • Zant Heads
  • Small Key
  • Early Platform (Don't LJA)
  • Enter the door at the top
  • Kill the Shadow Beasts

  • Enter Zant
  • Zant
  • Portal
  • Exit Palace of Twilight (transform into wolf to save frames)

Hyrule Castle

  • Warp to Castle Town
  • Mailman then enter Castle Town
  • Squidna Cutscene
  • Enter Hyrule Castle

  • Skip Barrier 3
  • Clawshot up and enter the door
  • Darknut Room
  • Torch Puzzle
    • Slower intended method: Top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left
    • Faster method: Bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right, top-left
  • Dynalfos with bombs
  • Aeralfos
  • Small Key
  • Boss Key
  • Enter Tower
  • Block Room Shortcut
  • Darknut Fight

  • Enter Final Battle
  • Ganondorf
    • Put on the iron boots before doing the ending blow for memes
Last updated 08/09/2024 – Jacquaid