Steal the Lent Bomb Bag
After performing Fyrus Skip you will not be able to purchase the bombs from Barnes without beating Goron Mines. However, the bombs are still needed in some cases in the rest of the game. Luckily, there is a way to still obtain the bombs from a different source. When savewarping or dying with a stolen lent bomb bag, the lent bomb bag will disappear. However, any duped bomb bags will become real bomb bags.
How To:
Stealing the Lent Bomb Bag from Iza as Wolf
- After getting the Master Sword warp to Zora's domain
- Go to Upper Zora's River and talk to Iza
- Break the boxes and climb up the stairs as far left as possible
- Backhop and then sidehop right twice (need to wait out the animations)
- Mash two jump attacks with a quickspin inbetween (hold left during the second jump attack)
- Go behind the sign and transform to wolf
- Defeat the Twilight Messangers as Wolf
- Iza will then invite you in and ask you to help her. Agree, and you will obtain the Lent Bomb Bag as wolf
- Simply warp out and the lent bomb bag will stay in your inventory
Duping the Lent Bomb Bag as wolf
- Starting from step 9 of the above method, warp to Upper Zora's River
- Iza will invite you inside again. Agree to her requests, and you will obtain an unusable black rupee item. Repeat for more bomb bags if necessary
- (optional) Talk to Iza again to refill your lent bomb bag (she empties it for some reason)
- Simply warp out and the lent bomb bag and duped bomb bag will stay in your inventory
It should be noted that some weird side effects happen when duping bomb bags. When warping away, whatever item was on Y will now be equipped on X, Y, and R.
Stealing the Lent Bomb Bag from Iza as human
- Get Ooccoo in Goron Mines right after the first key shard
- After getting the Master Sword warp to Zora's domain
- Go to Upper Zora's River and talk to Iza
- Defeat the Twilight Messangers as human
- Iza will then invite you in and ask you to help her. Agree, and you will obtain the Lent Bomb Bag.
- Simply ooccoo out and the lent bomb bag will stay in your inventory
Helping Iza with the Gale Boomerang
Originally discovered by 60namrruC, setup by TrogWW
Instead of stealing the bomb bag it is also possible to obtain the bomb bag normally from Iza without having the bow or using Ooccoo.
By combining bombs and the Gale Boomerang you can destroy the rocks blocking the river without bomb arrows.
Note that the targets are rather precise.
This is a picture of where you are supposed to aim for the third target. The yellow line is where you should be able to see a black line. The red spot is about where you want to aim:

- The stolen bombbag is only temporary and will just disappear if you die (game over), savewarp or complete a dungeon. If you help Iza with the Gale though, you will actually obtain the bombbag as a permanent item.
Last updated 04/16/2024