2-4 Water Temple
Stage 1 early water rod
Obtain the water rod without having to activate any switches.
Single player:
- Have all three players totemed with a gripshot player in the middle of the totem.
- Get as close to the edge of the north platform as possible.
- Keep holding northwest on the circle pad. Wait for approximately half a second.
- Throw, then press Y 12 frames later.
- Have all three players totemed.
- Perform a dash slide, then have the bottom player press and hold L or R just before landing in the water.
- While the bottom player is winding up the dash, have the middle player throw the top player.
Stage 1 fast switches
Hit both of the crystal switches from one side, either by throwing a pot at the switch or spin-attacking the switch.
Stage 2 skip
Use water pillars to go out of bounds and skip straight to the Triforce gate.
- Get all three players together at the north side of the room.
- Totem all three players with the water rod user on top, then hug the northwest corner on the platform grating.
- Use a dash buffer to turn to the east, then place a pillar.
- Get on top of the pillar, then move left, face right and place a pillar on the left edge of the statue. Adjust your positioning as necessary before placing the pillar. If you're positioned too close to the statue, the pillar will be placed too high atop the statue to reach.
- Get on top of the second pillar and face north. Throw the top player over.
- Have the thrown player move straight south into the pillar. Stop moving once you start rising (the timing is lenient). The pillar should automatically put you in the correct position to totem while staying OoB.
With Torrent Robe:
- Get all three players together at the north side of the room.
- Throw the Torrent Robe player onto the upper ledge.
- Have the Torrent player hug the left wall, face south, and place a pillar to get the player below together with the others. Totem all players with the Torrent player on top again.
- Hug the northwest corner of the upper ledge and place a pillar.
- Face northeast while still in the corner and place another pillar.
- Throw the two players north OoB. Have one of the thrown players bring the remaining player OoB.
If any of the players fall to the bottom area, use the following backup strategy to skip having to view cutscenes:
- Have all three players totemed with a gripshot user on top.
- Face north toward the left side of the water raising switch above.
- Hold Y and press A. Let the throw release the gripshot automatically and the lever should be pulled.
- If playing in multiplayer, this step has to be timed manually.
- Before the water starts rising, move in front of where the north ledge would be and place a pillar. Ride the pillar up and follow the usual strategy from there, placing a pillar on the fish statue.
Stage 3 skip
Clip into the revolving door to go OoB and skip straight to the Triforce gate.
Fast strategy:
- Place pillars near the east side of the revolving door.
- Face northwest, prepare the gripshot, and hug the fence. Line up the middle part of the gripshot with the gap at the east side of the door and release.
- Drop from the door and swim west and south while staying within the fence.
- The corner has some collision coming from the west fence. If you get stopped by it while going west, swim very slightly north first to get around it.
- While still in the fence, position yourself in front of the north end of the ledge.
- Have the water rod user hug the west wall, face north, and place a pillar to lift the OoB player up. Move away from the west wall afterward.
- Have the OoB player perform a dash slide.
- Have the in-bounds gripshot user totem the water rod user. Position the two in-bounds players directly southeast of the OoB player.
- Have the OoB player totem without moving. Place a pillar. Face south and throw.
- Fall into the water while OoB, then swim around the outer perimeter of the map. Swim back in-bounds at the Triforce gate area.
- Get the other two players into the Triforce gate area by going along the ceiling of the map.
- Lift the swimming player with the water rod.
Safer strategy:
- Place pillars near the east side of the revolving door.
- Face northwest, prepare the gripshot, and hug the fence. Line up the middle part of the gripshot with the gap at the east side of the door and release.
- Drop from the door. Have the water rod player place pillars north to raise the clipped player.
- Face left and prepare the water rod. Hug the north wall. Swap to the clipped player to release the rod automatically.
- Totem the water rod user and move west and south quickly on the pillar while staying within the fence.
- The corner has some collision coming from the west fence. If you get stopped by it while going west, walk very slightly north first to get around it.
- Keep moving south until you drop from the pillar and until the Octorok on the left hides.
- Place two pillars in a row while staying in place. The second pillar should raise the totem.
- Dash slide south, then throw the water rod player.
- Move the water rod player back in-bounds.
- Have the in-bounds gripshot user totem the water rod user. Position the two in-bounds players directly southeast of the OoB player.
- Have the OoB player totem without moving. Place a pillar. Face south and throw.
- Fall into the water while OoB, then swim around the outer perimeter of the map. Swim back in-bounds at the Triforce gate area.
- Get the other two players into the Triforce gate area by going along the ceiling of the map.
- Lift the swimming player with the water rod.
Last updated 02/16/2025