Any% Zuggle route [obsolete]

This guide is based on Samura1man's run. This run use an advanced route where we don't take the Paraglider. Please note that this guide can be obsolete in a few days, depending on the discoveries of the community. Tears of the Kingdom Any% Speedrun in 1:12:13

This guide is based on a version before 1.1.2, most of the glitches don't work if you are in 1.1.2

In order to complete the game, you will need those prerequisites:

  • Clear the Prelude and get the 4 Zonai Powers to complete Great Sky Island

  • Gear yourself in Hyrule’s Castle

  • Kill the Army of Ganondorf and the Bosses

  • Win against Ganondorf’s phases

You’ll also need to learn how to Midair Sort Duplication(MSD), Zuggle and Fall Damage Cancel(FDC):

Midair Sort Duplication (MSD) - Tutorial by Linkus7

TOTK Any% Zuggle Tutorial - by Limcube - Stack Weapons for more damages

Fall Damage Cancel(FDC) - Tutorial by Limcube) - From diving mode -> B -> L then Y -> Change shield -> Press R as soon as you can control Link again

This run timing ends when Link grabs Zelda’s Hand, as shown in the picture below.

Zelda's Hand


Depths aren’t complicated, just try to skip as early as possible cutscenes (except Ganondorf’s one) and clear texts as fast as possible.

Once Link’s wake up, grab the Broken Master Sword, activate the teleport, get out of the cave and jump on the side.

Go activate the Steward Construct and perform Modzor Jumping by positioning as shown below rotate the camera so it does face link, backflip, dive & attack in order to end in the water pool below.

modzor 1 modzor 2

Once you end up in the water, grab a Hot-Footed Frog.

Walk forward in order to reach a boulder, push it and kill the 2 constructs (grab their drops), and then go reach the temple of time and kill the construct again. Activate the door and on the way back, grab the Zonai charge and horn.

Reach the snowy area, kill the construct (grab the drops), grab 3 peppers, and cook them in order to make a Spicy Sautéed Peppers meal(Cold Resistance 07:30), eat it, go on the right side and surf until you reach the Maker Construct in order to get your first battery and climb the walls in order to reach the shrine. (be careful to not stay too long in the icy water.

Gutanbac Shrine

Get the first ability (Ascend) and climb the first floor Kill the construct, get the bow, and cut the rope with the broken Master Sword, Ascend through the bridge and make your way to the end of it Once you’re out of the shrine, Ascend through the tree nearby and make your way to the gumball machine. You’ll need at least 3 Wings and 2 stove

Gutanbac1 gutanbac2

Break the ice stalactite and use the wing (don’t move too much from the center) to reach the next shrine: RECALL

Dupe the Hot-Footed Frog until you have 11 of them, by using the Midair Sort Duplication (MSD)

Cook 4 Hot-Footed Frog and 1 Chuchu Jelly in order to get a Hasty Elixir


then Dupe again to get 11 Frogs and make a second Hasty Elixir and drink it


In-Isa Shrine

Get the second ability (Fuse) grab the rusty claymore and Fuse it to the first rock then Fuse the rusty claymore to the second rock, then break the wall.

Break the up-left pillar in order to open the chest (5 Arrows).

Grab the right row of Fire Fruits, burn the leaves to get the key and on the way back, grab the other row of Fire Fruits, break the next wall, grab more Fire Fruits, don’t fight the construct and leave the shrine.

Once the Shrine is done, go downstairs, grab a thick stick, go into the cave near the stairs and use Ascend near the structure below

cave1 cave2

Once you're on the surface, break the crates(arrows) near the house.

Get a bow and 15+ arrows from the camp and the house, then position yourself as shown below to spawn a Wing (press DPAD UP almost at the same time as moving forward) to go to Ukouh Shrine.

path to ukouh1 path to ukouh1

Ukouh Shrine

Get the third ability (Ultrahand) Shield jump over the first gap. (or use the plank)

Grab a plank and place it on the ground below with an angle to climb it right after:


Grab the plank, climb it, then shield jump on the rail and complete the shrine.

Ukouh 2 Ukouh 3

Go to the Temple of Time, open the door, grab the fourth ability (Recall).

Shield jump onto the right mechanism then climb the middle one, and climb the left wheel, then try to open the door until you’re left with One and a half heart.

nachoya1 nachoya2

Leave by teleporting to the Room of Awakening. Inside the Room of Awakening, Ascend through the roof and get to Nachoyah Shrine.

Nachoyah Shrine

Use Recall and finish the shrine.

Once out of Nachoyah Shrine, go outside and jump from the left side into the river, then walk toward the house/construct and grab a Stemella Shroom(drink a Hasty Elixir when needed).

after nachoya 1 after nachoya 2

Go into the cave, break the rocks, and get 1 Ruby.

after nachoya 3

Go back to the Ukouh Shrine and grab arrows on your way to the Temple of Time, get a fourth heart container and open the door.

Trigger the Master Sword cutscene.


Grab a wing and 2 fans , glide until you’re above Hyrule Castle Town Ruins and perform a Fall Damage Cancel(FDC).

wing fdc1 fdc2

  • Grab the Pot Lid

then go open the doors of the castle and go to the place below in order to Ascend through the roof.

bow and arrows

Grab the Bow and Arrows, then open the floor trap door, open the Diamond Chest.

trap door


Now you’ll need to follow the Material Duplication Guide in order to get 1 Diamond and 12 Hot-Footed Frogs.

Once you do that, Fuse 1 Diamond to your Rusty Broadsword (30 Atk Diamond Reaper) and your Spear (31 Atk Diamond Spear).

Glide down 1 floor, kill the Lizalfos and kill the Bokoblin, then take the Knight's Halberd in the chest near the crates.


Break the boxes using a Boulder Hammer, get 1 Endura Shroom, 1 Razor Shroom and take the Black Bokoblin Horn. (MSD to get 3 Endura Shrooms, 12 Razor Shroom and 2 Black Bokoblin Horn) and cook the Endura Shroom separately to get 3 Enduring Mushroom Skewers).

Cook 1 Black Bokoblin Horn + 4 Hot-Footed Frogs to get a 5:10 mins Hasty Elixir (Repeat the same a second time to get a second Elixir).

Cook 5 Razor Shroom to get a Mighty Mushroom Skewer (+3 Atk UP 4:10) (Repeat the same a second time to get a second Skewer).

Fuse 1 Diamond with the Knight's Halberd then Ascend through the roof and make your way to the Depth under the Floating Castle with Fall Damage Cancel.

letlinkcook inventory depths

Note: The Endura Mushroom Skewers are for extra safety against Colgera

The Depths

Avoid fighting enemies beside (and collect pick-up the following items):

  • Electric Keeses (5 Electric Keese Eyeballs and minimum 3 Electric Keese Wings)
  • Lynel (1 Hoof, 1 Shield, 1 White-Maned Lynel Saber & Mace Horn, 1 Lynel Bow, Arrows)


Time to do Zuggling:

  • Equip and pull out Diamond Spear and CROUCH while having the wall on your back (1 Link Distance)
  • Drop all Bows
  • Drop all Shields
  • Drop Diamond Reaper
  • Drop the Diamond Spear
  • Equip a Weapon
  • Press Start Twice FAST
  • Drop equiped Weapon
  • Equip a Weapon
  • Press Start Twice FAST
  • Switch to Diamond Spear

If the Zuggling worked, you should have the message "You can't take that out here." and you should have an extra spear on your back.

Repeat a second time.


Now go stun the Lynel, and attack with the spear but don't finish the combo(4 hits), do Flurry Rushes aswell.

Once you’re done fighting the Lynel(make a save before you fight him), drop your Traveler’s Bow (VERY IMPORTANT) and unequip any bow and shield.


Grab the Lynel Bow but don’t clear the cutscene, go into the inventory instead, sort by strength, then equip the Old Wooden Bow, now you can leave the menu and clear the text box. Next thing you want to do is drop the Old Wooden Bow outside of the menu (ZR + D-Pad Right + X).

Do the same process for the shield, one that done, grab everything from the Lynel.

lynelbow lynelshield

Place a wing behind the Pillar and Ascend through the malice:

malice 1 malice 2

Dupe Ruby with MSD until you have 18 of them. Dupe White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn with MSD until you have 17 of them.

ruby and saber horn

Shoot 1 Ruby to kill Ice Keeses and 1 Fire Fruit to stun the Like Like, kill the Ice Keeses, get their eyeballs and wings. Save, dive down(FDC) and freeze the 2 Lizalfos using 1 Ice Keese Eyeball.

Attach with Fuse a rocket to your Pot Lid!

Kill the 2 Chuchu, get all the Jelly and freeze the moblin with a Ice Keese Eyeball on the other side, then glide down to the side of the broken stairs in order to Ascend through them.

stairs 1 stairs 2

Break the boulders and grab the chest(10x Bomb Flowers).

bomb flower

Once at Forgotten Foundation, kill the Gibdos with Bomb Flower Arrows while opening the way forward.

Make your way to the end but drop EVERYTHING except Royal Broadsword and do the following dupes:

Duplicate Materials again(MSD but put 1 other item in first if you dupe the wings), you must have:

  • 9+ Electric Keese Eyeball
  • 5+ Electric Keese Wings
  • 10+ Chuchu Jelly
  • Fuse a Bomb Flower to your Lynel Shield


final inventory

Now you can make your way to the end!

Ganondorf's Army

  • Phase 1:

    Bomb Shield Jump out of the fight, in order to fly in the air, use 3 Ruby on the Bokoblins, Grab 1 Soldier Broadsword, kill the Big Boko with normal arrows (use 1 Bomb Flower Arrow). You should have around 50/60+ Arrows at the end of this phase Don't forget to Fuse a new Bomb Flower to your Lynel Shield.

  • Phase 2:

    Bomb Shield Jump out of the fight, in order to fly in the air, use 1 Ruby again, kill the Lizalfos remaining with normal arrows. (Easier: Grab Arrows and 1 Royal Halberd before killing the last Lizalfos)

  • Phase 3:

    Use 2 Ruby and Fire Fruits to kill the Gibdos(except 1 Flying Gibdo) and grab 1 Royal Halberd. Fuse a Bomb Flower to your Lynel Shield.

  • Phase 4:

    Use 1 Ruby again and normal arrows (Easier: Grab the Knight’s Claymore here).



  • P1:

    Use Rocket Shield when Colgera is right above you, so you can shoot him with 3 Electric Keese Eyeballs.

  • P2:

    Dive under his body as soon as possible (avoid tornados first then dive). Shoot 3 Electric Keese Eyeballs.


  • P1:

    Equip Knight’s Claymore and Fuse it with a White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn (110 atk),Eat your Mighty Mushroom Skewer (+3 Atk UP 4:10) Fuse a Bomb Flower with your Lynel Shield. Once MG throws a rock at you, use Recall , make it explode on its eye, and Ascend through it, then Spin until your stamina is empty and finish the first phase with a Jump Attack.

  • P2:

    Wait for MG to drop the exploding rocks, then using Ultrahand, place one of them close to her leg,Ascend and finish her with a slash.


  • P1:

    Use 2 Chuchu Jelly to get him out of the Shark then stop him with 1 normal arrows shot, spin until phase 2 triggers.

  • P2:

    Use 2 Chuchu Jelly to get him out of the mud then 1 Electric Keese Eyeball, spin and kill him.


  • P1:

    Use 1 Electric Keese Eyeball Equip Soldier's Broadsword and Fuse it with a White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn. It should give you a White-Maned Lynel Reaper.

Equip your White-Maned Lynel Saber Use White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn Arrows to stun her, spin until P2 Starts.

  • P2:

    Use 1 Electric Keese Eyeball then use a Bomb Flower Shield, enter Bullet Time, shoot 1 Ruby to kill Gibdos, then kill her with White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn Arrows(and use your White-Maned Lynel Reaper if your bow breaks).


  • P1:

    Instant shoot a Fire Fruit. Charge spin quickly with your White-Maned Lynel Reaper to push it to the spiked barrier. Repeat until P2.

  • P2:

    Use Fire Fruits to cancel its attacks when it's in the air then repeat Fire Fruit -> charged spins.


  • P1:

    Use 2 Ruby.

  • P2:

    Use 2 Ruby.

Use Hasty Elixir. Fuse your remaining weapons with White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn.


  • P1:

    Force a Flurry Rush by attacking Ganondorf, equip White-Maned Lynel Spear and eat the Mighty Mushroom Skewer (+3 Atk UP 4:10), Force him to flurry rush you a second time(don’t forget to dodge), then shoot Flower Bombs Arrows until P1 is done.

  • P2:

    Flurry Rush then adapt to the fight, goal is to Flurry Rush him as quick as possible.

  • P3:

    Flurry Rush + Adapt to the fight, and deal some damage at the end.

Demon Dragon

Instant dive, avoid attacks, wait for the eyes to be open to attacks, go onto Zelda.

Do these steps 3 times and after that the final eye will open on the dragon's head.


Last updated 09/11/2024 – cloud