
Any% route (Arrow Smuggle route)

updated as of September 2024, outline by jakezsr, moist, annotated by cloud

[work in progress]

Tears of the Kingdom: Any% v1.0.0


Intro Clip

Temple of Time

Pickup Decayed Master Sword

Cog Skip (tutorial/info guide by Timber)

run through tunnel to outside

Open Wing Chest

Sort Dupe Wings *Dupe 3->6->12->22

jump off right side into title card cutscene

Wing Flip (tutorial by LovelySirius)

*From now until after activating Temple of Time you cannot touch the ground to avoid resetting your respawn point.

Fly to Temple of Time, break Decayed Master Sword on Wing to postpone tutorial box

Defeat Construct with Wing

Rusty Broadsword + Old Wooden Shield

Activate Temple of Time


Void Out *If at or below one heart, savewarp here

Fly on Wing to Ascend Shrine *If not doing Ascend FDC, dive into lake below and wing to ascend (loses 7-8s)

Fall Damage Cancel off of Shrine

Enter Shrine, skip cutscene

Old Wooden Bow from Construct

Ascend to right, Construct Bow from chest

set up Quick Drop Smuggle (tutorial by cloud)

Arrow Flight to the top of the shrine


Fall Damage Cancel to Cave

Pickup Flame Emitter Shield

Pickup Bomb Flower

Battery Throw

Duplicate Bombs x2 on Wing (Material Sort Duplication overview by Mozz, demo by Paperzlel)

Run off Wing into shield surf, Arrow Flight to Fuse Shrine

Enter Shrine

Fuse Bomb to Shield, Drop Bomb and Pickup (this auto sorts inventory to open on bombs)

Bomb Jump onto Ledge + Dive Dupe 5 Bombs + Fuse 1 to Shield *Dive duping here is risky, alternatively dupe 5x bombs on stair rail or in water

Unfuse Flame Emitter Shield + Fuse Bomb

Bomb Arrow Chest

Small Key

Open Door

Arrow Smuggle Flight (Construct Cutscene Skip)

Fuse Bomb to Shield

*Can fuse bomb after fuse outside as well


Arrow Smuggle Flight to Ultrahand Shrine

Fuse Bomb to Shield *can fuse inside shrine as well

Line up on slab for ledgebomb

Arrow Smuggle Flight to end of Ultrahand


Fuse Bomb to Shield

Wing + Arrow Smuggle Flight to Temple of Time *Alternatively, arrow smuggle flight off of the stairs. This saves a wing and is easier (loses 4-5s in total over both trips)

Fuse Bomb to Shield

Tear Cutscene

Bomb Jump to Top of Temple of Time

Fuse Bomb to Shield

Door Cutscene (Press B after touching Door)

Warp to Room of Awakening *Jump or press "+" before pulling map to skip Purah Pad Cutscene

Bomb Jump Up

Fuse Bomb to Shield

Enter Shrine

Bomb Jump off stairs + Arrow Smuggle Fly to End of Shrine

Use Recall or Ultrahand on clock hands to keep gate open

Great Sky Island

*if using Amiibo, scan Daruk for either a Topaz or Ruby (13% drop rate each, 26% rate for either one) fuse bomb to shield, pick up gem, warp to Ultrahand Shrine.

*if not using Amiibo, dupe 2 extra bombs on the sand, run outside cave, jump off left edge and dive to Pondside Cave (fall damage cancel by using arrow smuggle, wallgrab, or diving in the water. the water loses 5+ sec) fuse bomb to shield while running into the cave, throw two bombs at the ore deposits and grab the guaranteed Ruby. no amiibo loses 35-40s over a 1st try gem scan.

Warp to Ultrahand Shrine

Wing + Arrow Smuggle Flight to Temple of Time

Fuse Bomb to Shield

Bomb Jump Up Top

Heart Container

Fuse Bomb to Shield

Wing ledgebomb + Arrow Smuggle Flight to End GSI

Descent/Enter Army

Fly on Wing Towards Hyrule Castle

Dupe Rubies on Wing with shield surf or dive duping, or dupe with Arrow Smuggle shield surfs (demo by sva)

*You want 23 gems minimum for army, but you can dupe more for safety

Arrow Smuggle Flight to Balcony (fall damage cancel required)

Jumpslash Cancel Clip (overview by Mozz) out of bounds, dive to ring platform above Army

Fall damage cancel, then Ragdoll Clip either with dive method or shield unequip method to get back in bounds

dive to enter Army Fight (fall damage cancel required)


Phase 1 Bokoblins - pick up Black Boss Bokoblin Horn

Phase 2 Lizalfos - pick up Royal Halberd or Royal Broadsword

Phase 3 Gibdos - pick up 2nd weapon of the 2 above *get Black Lizalfos Horn or Black Lizalfos Tail if Boko Horn is gone

Phase 4 Moblins


Fuse Wing to shield, drop off right side of platform

Map Zuggle Royal weapon 4 Times (glitch overview by Mozz, demo by BigDUCCO)

Jumpslash Cancel Clip out of bounds, duping Monster Part while clipping and fuse to weapon

Jumpslash Cancel Clip in-bounds to Tunnel, using L-Cancel to drop Wing Shield

*not landing on the shield is imperative here if you want to go for the Tunnel flight, as there is a high chance you can get surf storage, which ruins your launch angle.

Ganondorf Tunnel Flight

Ganondorf w/ Zuggle

Demon Dragon

Demon Dragon 2 Cycle (original strat by zfg, fast ending/demo by Player5)

Catch Zelda! GG

Last updated 09/11/2024 – cloud