100% RTA


  • All goddess cubes and chests
  • All gratitude crystals
  • All heart pieces/containers
  • All pouch slots
  • All wallet upgrades
  • All B-items and upgrades
  • All empty bottles
  • All medals
  • All 5 permanent dowsing options
  • Hylian Shield
  • All Bird Statues Visited
  • 5 Map Beacons
  • True Master Sword
  • All 5 songs, including all 4 SotH parts
  • All 4 accessories:
    • Water Dragon's Scale
    • Mogma Mitts
    • Fireshield Earrings
    • Sailcloth
  • Stone of Trials
  • All 3 Stone Tablets
  • All 3 pieces of the Triforce
  • Goddess Harp
  • Bertie's rattle
  • Cawlin's letter
  • Beedle's insect cage

The following are not required:

  • Non-finite shields (wooden, iron, sacred, and their upgraded versions)
  • Potions and their upgrades
  • Ammunition extensions and their upgrades
  • Bugs or treasures

File Requirements

You should start a 100% run with blank Hero Mode files in all 3 file slots

Treasures required:

  • 99 Hornet Larvae
  • 11 Tumbleweed
  • 3 Lizard Tail
  • 2 Eldin Ore
  • 8 Ancient Flower
  • 6 Amber Relic
  • 2 Dusk Relic
  • 3 Jelly Blob
  • 3 Monster Claw
  • 71 Evil Crystal
  • 41 Blue Bird Feather
  • 41 Golden Skull
  • 42 Goddess Plume

Other things:

  • No boss rush records set?
  • All cutscenes skippable, especially the Lanayru Desert introduction cutscene and the Imprisoned 1 cutscenes.


(Start on File 2)

Skyloft 1

  • Talk to Fledge
  • Save at Upper Academy (UA) Statue
  • Early Goddess Sword
  • Activate [BiT] with Killing Post
  • BiTSave F2 UA
  • Enter goddess Statue
  • Get Goddess Sword
  • RBM Faron Pillar F2
  • Enter Goddess Statue
  • Get Goddess Sword, Emerald Tablet from cutscenes
  • Skyward Strike Goddess Crest then leave
  • Zelda cutscene
  • Groose cutscene
  • Take 4 hearts damage with chu in Cave
  • Zelda cave cutscene
  • S&Q at Waterfall Statue
  • Copy F2 → F3, start F2
  • Rescue your Loftwing
  • Save at prompt and Sidehop cs skip into BiT
    • Select F1, then back out to splash screen
    • Save at Bazaar Statue (File Dupe F3 -> F1), BiTSave F2 Bazaar, but DO NOT START (DO NOT GO BACK TO SPLASH SCREEN)
    • RBW F1 into the Sky
  • Get Fi trigger & deathwarp with guay and/or octoroks
  • Save Loftwing, damage on Zipper, Land in Faron
  • Save at Sealed Grounds Statue (1/28 Overworld Bird Statues (OBS))
  • Activate BiT with Fall Dmg
    • Copy F1 -> F3
    • BiTSave F1 Bazaar, Start F1
  • Enter Bazaar
  • Talk to Peatrice (1/10 convos)
  • Leave Bazaar & dive off platform near Bazaar
  • Wing Ceremony and Sailcloth
  • Save at UA during Fi escort
  • BiT via Killing Post
    • Check Bazaar F1, BiTSave F2
    • Jump off platform, fly towards windmill and select F3 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F2 selected
    • Change to F1 after you are past the clouds
    • Select F1 to bring down log to BtT
    • Enter Behind the Temple with F2
    • Select F1 for log to Faron Woods
    • Enter Faron Woods with F2
    • BiTSave F1 Faron entry Statue, Start F1

Faron Woods 1

  • Machi Bokoblin fight
  • Roll into wall to knock vine loose
  • Machi conversation
  • Bokoblin Fight for Lopsa
  • Grass Cutting for Erla
  • Push down entrance log
  • Through the Hole for Oolo
  • Talk to Bucha for Slingshot
  • Enter Deep Woods
  • Modified Extending Blow OR intended path
  • Visit Deep Woods statue(2/28 OBS)
  • Get Goddess Cube near Gorko (1/27 Goddess Cubes (Cu))
  • Goddess Cube Warp if missed Extending Blow
  • Push down log nearby
  • Don't skip Fi text (we'll be forced to get it later anyways)
  • Enter Skyview Temple

Skyview Temple 1

  • Save at entrance statue
  • Die to Keese to activate BiT
    • Copy F2->F3, Bonk F3, Delete F2, BiTWarp F1 via UA
  • Kill Staldra
  • Spider skip
  • Open the gate
  • Open the Stalfos room
  • Stalfos fight for Beetle
  • Get red rupee in Tunnel with Beetle (9x04)
  • S&Q at Middle Statue, Copy F1 --> F2, Start F1
  • Precise slingshot shot for Heart Piece (6.25/20 HC)
  • Vine Swinging Fun
  • Boss Key
  • Ghirahim, Get Heart Container (7.25/20 HC)
  • Goddess Cube behind Skyview Spring (2/27 Cu)
  • Ruby Tablet
  • S+Q at Prompt, start F2
  • BiT via spider near statue
    • Bonk tree with F3, RBW into Goddess Statue F1
  • Place Ruby Tablet
  • Cancel at Prompt
  • Sleep to Day
  • Adventure Pouch (4/8 Slots)
  • Shield from Owlan, Fly to Eldin (loading zone manip)

Eldin Volcano 1

  • Check Volcano Entry statue (3/28 OBS)
  • Initial Mogma conversation
  • Run through lava cavern and bomb cavern
  • Check Volcano East statue(4/28 OBS)
  • Slingshot to skip pyrup cutscene
  • Bomb throwing trick to drain lava (or roll bomb across bone bridge)
  • Heart Piece on Ledge (7.5/20 HC)
  • Enter Mogma Turf with front hop and jumpslash for 4 Hearts Damage
  • Digging Mitts
  • Goddess Cube across the lava (3/27 Cu)
  • Save at Volcano Ascent statue (5/28 OBS), Activate BiT with Bomb Flowers and Lava
    • Sleep to night in item seller's house, exit with F3
    • RBM by starting F1 and pushing gravestone at night
  • Scale Sandy Slopes
  • Bomb down tower right of Earth Temple
  • Goddess Cube near huts (4/27 Cu)
  • Enter Earth Temple

Earth Temple

Skyloft 2

  • Bomb into Goddess Statue loading zone (4 hearts), Place Amber Tablet
  • Bomb into Skyloft loading zone (2 hearts)
  • Reach Wyrna near Goddess statue
  • Save at UA statue
  • Activate BiT with bomb
    • Check Bazaar statue F2
    • Be careful not to face the camera towards the village pumpkin patch
    • Open Batreaux Door F2, switch to F1 before load
    • RBM on last textbox on F1
  • Commit with slingshot hitting lamp at bazaar
  • Get bottle from potion shop (1/5 Bottles)
  • Talk to Peatrice (2/10 convos)
  • Leave Bazaar, jump off at bazaar platform
  • Fly to Lanayru

Lanayru Desert 1

  • Jumpslash Skyward Strike Goddess Cube behind tower (5/27 Cu)
  • Damage to 2 hearts with bomb flowers if needed
  • Call Fi for Heart Dowsing (1/5 Dowsing)
  • Save at Mine Entry (7/28 OBS)
    • Check Bazaar statue F2
    • Be careful not to face the camera towards the village pumpkin patch
    • Open Batreaux Door F2, keep F2
    • RBM on last textbox on F1
  • Commit with slingshotting eye on statue
  • Save, Activate BiT
  • Run to Caves
  • Visit West Desert Statue (8/28 OBS)
  • Goddess Cube in Sand Oasis (6/27 Cu)
  • Jumpslash Skyward Strike Goddess Cube near cages (7/27 Cu)
  • Technoblin fight for Hook Beetle (1/7 Upgrades)
  • Run into desert entrance cutscene trigger
  • Check Desert Entrance Statue (9/28 OBS)
  • Bomb rocks hiding timeshift stone & Deathwarp
  • Bomb into caves loading zone (4h)
  • Damage in cave to 2h and refill bombs to full, Gorge entrance
  • Save at Lanayru Gorge Statue (10/28 OBS)
  • Activate BiT
    • BiTSave F3 at Bazaar statue, but do not start
    • Jump off nearby platform with F1 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F3 selected
    • Switch to F1 after you are past the clouds
    • Select F3 for Log, Enter BtT with F2
    • Enter Faron Woods F1
    • Select F2 for log, enter crawlspace F1/F2
    • Use slingshot to knock down vine to deep woods
    • Enter Deep Woods F1
    • Machi teleport, Hit crystal with slingshot & F1
    • Start F1 when link leaves the Camera after the crystal got hit (2x20)
  • Commit with blowing up rock to left of statue (jumpslash skyward strike cactus bomb)
  • S+Q, start F2
  • Leave Skyview, Get ELTS by bonking tree, Save at Forest Temple, BiT with deku baba
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off nearby platform with F1 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F3 selected
    • Keep F3 selected after you are past the clouds
    • Select F3 then skip intro cutscene
    • Enter BtT and Faron Woods without selecting another file
    • Machi Bokoblin fight
    • RBM by starting F1 and clearing Machi’s first text box at the same time
  • Place down bomb to blow up rock right of statue, optional: heal one heart (or more) on stool for safety
  • Save and die with bombs to activate BiT
  • Minecart escort skip stupid jump
  • Goddess Cube near Tree of Life with a Jump slash into the Quicksand (8/27 Cu)
  • Void out to respawn at top
  • Drop down to door for Minecart (pull sailcloth) and drown in quicksand near the door
  • Do last part of Escort (use hook beetle to bomb the rock in the way)
  • Equip slingshot, damage down to 2 hearts while waiting for the minecart
  • Make sure the minecart reaches the center
  • Save and Quit
  • Copy F1 → F3
  • Start F3
  • Talk to Thunderdragon, die to imp 1 refight (top-right, bottom-left)
  • Damage to 2 hearts, Fly out and back in, Land at ToT, Enter and Leave LMF back entrance for Harp
  • Save at Prompt and Sidehop/backflip cutscene skip
  • Activate BiT with Bomb (this is precise)
    • BiTSave Bazaar F3, Select Bazaar statue F3 then BiTSave F1
    • Jump off platform Behind Bazaar with F1 or F3 selected, open F2 before loading the Sky
    • Dive into zipper with F3
    • Fly into invisible Eldin Pillar with F3, change to F1 & RBW F1 into Bokobase

Early Bokoblin Base

  • Enter Hint screen at gossip stone & leave again
  • Deathwarp with lava
  • Attempt to pick up barrel in prison for Mogma Mitts from Plats
  • Second Plats conversation
  • Cutscene skip with precise jumpslash, run across bone bridge
  • Get Gust Bellows & Clawshots with stunning the Bokos
  • Bomb Boost
  • Get Whip
  • Possible Peahat Skip
  • Save and Reset at Volcano Ascent Statue
  • Start F3, Save, Reload with Bazaar, Activate BiT
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F3 selected
    • Change to F2 after you are past the clouds
    • Reload without selecting a file
    • Select F2 for log
    • Enter Faron Woods F1
    • Be careful with F3 selected to not trigger Floria Doors cutscene
    • Clawshot up vines, Bonk First Tree F3 (seeds drop), damage to 2 hearts with octorok
    • Go through crawlspace with F1, then select F1/F3 before climbing up to viewing platform
    • Go to Viewing Platform, Select VP Statue F3, save F1 at VP, Check VP F3
    • Die with F3 with Bomb
    • Stab sword into trial gate then start F1

Faron Woods 2

  • Farore's Silent Realm for Water Dragon's Scale (get Caught once)
  • Visit Viewing Platform Statue (11/28 OBS)
  • Goddess Cube in front of Skyview (9/27 Cu)
  • Visit Forest Temple statue (12/28 OBS)
  • If you have 4 hearts: Heal 1 heart on stool to left of save statue
  • Goddess Cube on top of Skyview (10/27 Cu)
  • Enter Skyview Temple
  • Slash mushroom and fill bottle with mushroom spores
  • Trigger first mogma conversation inside Skyview (required for HP later)
  • If you have less than 5 hearts: Deathwarp with bomb
  • Save at First statue in Skyview (right side)
  • Activate BiT via Bombs
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F3 selected
    • Change to F2 after you are past the clouds
    • Reload BtT F2, Load into faron with F2
    • Select F2 for log to Lake Floria, load into Lake floria with F2 (careful with leaving splash for Floria Doors cutscene)
    • Shoot slingshot with F1 selected to load Water Dragon's Scale into BiT
    • Enter Cistern loading zone and start file just as music stops

Ancient Cistern

  • Be sure to use Sailcloth to prevent taking fall damage
  • Get Blessed Idol (boss key)
  • Go up Statue (Avoid Stalmaster trigger and boss door cutscene trigger via front hop into Water)
  • Koloktos, Get Heart Container (9.5/20 HC)

Lake Floria

  • Visit Floria Waterfall statue (13/28 OBS)
  • Ledge Goddess Cube (11/27 Cu)
  • Damage down in water (2 hearts, or more for safety)
  • Floria Goddess Cube (12/27 Cu)
  • Fly to sky from Lake Floria bird statue (14/28 OBS)
  • Land back Into Faron (Sealed Grounds Statue)

Sealed Grounds 1

  • Dodge Deku Babas
  • Damage to 2 hearts with jumpslashes if needed, Skyward Strike sealing spike (activates Dowsing)
  • Open chest for Revitalizing Potion (2/5 Bottles)
  • Impa and her beacon
  • Save at Sealed Temple, activate BiT with Bombs
    • Enter Wryna's house
    • Sleep to day and Start F1 as soon as the fadeout starts (Continue Trick)
  • Talk to Wryna for gratitude crystals (5/80 Gratitude Crystals (Cr))
  • Enter Bazaar
  • Talk to Peatrice (3/10 convos)
  • Fly to small island near Lanayru pillar
  • Talk to Orielle for gratitude crystals (10/80 Cr)

Lanayru Desert 2

  • Dive into Lanayru pillar and land at West Desert
  • Run into Fi trigger to get 5 beacons
  • Save at North Desert statue (15/28 OBS)
  • BiT via Bombs
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F3 selected
    • Change to F1 after you are past the clouds
    • Start entering Faron woods with F1 (commits F1 flags)
    • Load Faron Woods with F1
    • Clawshot up first log
    • Damage to 2 hearts with octorok
    • Through crawl space with F1 selected
    • Shoot down vine (clawshot works too)
    • Enter deep woods with F2
    • Die on F3 with bokos
    • Select F1 during Gorko text
    • Don't switch off F1, start F1 as Link starts to enter Skyview
  • Heart Piece in NE desert (9.75/20 HC)
  • Damage down to 2 hearts with electric chu next to HP
  • Get Goddess Cube (13/27 Cu)
  • Enter LMF

Lanayru Mining Facility

  • Save at first statue
  • BiT via bombs
    • Do not advance from the splash screen and enter Academy
    • Talk to fledge and leave splash at the same time (or talk to Fledge with F1)
    • Copy F1 -> F3 During Fledge text (on Eng don’t advance any text without advancing the copy)
    • Fledge's last text box is his 4th (EN) or 6th (JP)
  • Pull Switch with Whip
  • Run to Main Room
  • Bomb Refill
  • Use revitalizing potion
  • Enter Boss Key Room
  • Trigger Timeshift stone
  • Open gate to Armos
  • Bomb Refill
  • Ancient Circuit (boss key)
  • Precise slingshot snipe on minecart
  • Moldarach
  • Get Heart Container (10.75/20 HC)
  • Damage to 3-4 Hearts in Minecart ride
  • Goddess Harp
  • Visit Temple of Time statue (16/28 OBS)
  • Goddess Cube on minecart ride (14/27 Cu)
  • Visit Desert Gorge statue (17/28 OBS)
  • Run/Clawshot to Lanayru Caves (take a hit from the octorok)
  • Small Key from Golo to Enter Sand Sea (no cube right away)
  • Slingshot seed refill in barrels near Golo

Sand Sea 1

  • Save at Harbor Statue (18/28 OBS)
  • BiT via Bombs
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into faron pillar with F1 selected
    • Change to F2/F3 after you are past the clouds
    • Skip groose cs
    • Reload BtT with F3
    • Line up with Bokoblin closest to vines
    • Select F1
    • Charge skyward strike and kill Bokoblin
    • Start F1 a second after the skyward strike hits
  • Commit with hitting the timeshift stone on the boat
  • Save and BiT with Bombs
    • Copy F1 -> F3
    • Enter Bazaar F1/F3
    • Talk to Potion Lady twice, Start F1 on Potion Lady's 5th textbox on the second set
  • Commit with entering the goddess cube area (make sure the scorpions fall down)
  • Goddess Cube at Ancient Harbor (15/27 Cu)
  • Fly out and back in, land at Lanayru Gorge

Interlude 1

  • Get Fi text, hit timeshift stone on minecart
  • Talk to Thunder Dragon, die to Imp1 refight (top-right, bottom-left)
  • Talk to Thunder Dragon, die to Imp2 refight (bottom-right, bottom-left)
  • Fly to Lumpy Pumpkin and land on roof
  • Goddess Chest on Roof (Gold Rupee, 1/27 Goddess Chests (Ch))
  • Goddess Chest near Entrance (Pouch Slot, 5/8 Slots, 2/27 Ch)
  • Crash chandelier inside; maybe still faster to skip HP here
  • Get Pumpkin Soup from Pumm
  • Leave through double doors
  • Fly back to Skyloft (UA)

Skyloft 3

  • Enter Academy Upper Doors
  • Talk to Headmaster
  • Sleep to night (Owlan’s room)
  • Exit upper doors
  • Sparring Hall for soup delivery and single gratitude crystal in rafters (11/80 Cr)
  • Clawshot up to vines on academy wall
  • Clawshot vineclip to reach out of bounds area behind vines
  • Collect 3 academy gratitude crystals with Beetle (14/80 Cr)
  • Go back inbounds and enter the Academy via chimney
  • Sleep to day (Zelda's bed)
  • Open Zelda's closet for Heart Piece (11/20 HC)
  • Upper exit
  • Enter Bazaar
  • Buy two stamina potions
  • Talk to Peatrice (4/10 convos)
  • Scattershot and Tough Beetle (4/7 Upgrades)
  • Visit Broken Windmill
  • Mallara's crystals and Rupees (19/80 Cr)
  • Sleep to day
  • Damage to 2 hearts in water
  • Enter Bazaar and talk to Gondo to Repair Scrapper
  • Talk to Peatrice (5/10 convos)
  • Save Bazaar, BiT with Bomb into water or void (careful of Parrow trigger)
  • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
  • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
  • Enter Pillar with F1/F3, change to F2 once past the clouds
  • Walk towards bird statue without opening splash screen to avoid triggering Groose cutscene
  • Check BtT bird statue with F1, BiTSave F1
  • Trigger groose cutscene with F1/F3, select F2 during text, switch to copy menu as cutscene ends
  • Enter sealed temple with F2 (do not reselect any files)
  • Open splash screen immediately as sealed temple loads
  • Start F1 and enter Circle
  • Meet Groose
  • Run to Faron
  • Save at Faron Entrance statue (19/28 OBS) and BiT with Bombs
    • BiTSave F3 Bazaar, BiTSave F1 Bazaar, Start F1 before "Saved" text disappears
  • Fly to Isle of Songs
  • Strike crest with Goddess Longsword for Nayru's Wisdom
  • Save, Activate BiT with bomb outside
  • Pick up stamina fruit with F1
  • Check Bazaar statue F2, BiTSave F1 (but don't select F2 early)
  • Look toward village pumpkin patch (this should trigger Fi)
  • Dig up Life Tree Seedling
  • End text box and start F1 at same time
  • Fly to Lanayru (Shipyard)

Sand Sea 2

  • Moldarach Again, talk to Goron [Text R,R,L]
  • Minecart Heart Piece (11.25/20 HC)
  • Check Shipyard statue (20/28 OBS)
  • Sail to Stronghold
  • Bomb/Seed refills if needed (both in left side barrels)
  • Stronghold Goddess Cube (16/27 Cu)
  • Jumpslash down and take 2 hearts of damage
  • Check Stronghold statue (21/28 OBS)
  • Sail to Skipper's Retreat
  • Check Skipper's Retreat statue (22/28 OBS)
  • Goddess Cube in Skipper's Retreat (17/27 Cu)
  • Sail to Sandship


  • Damage down to 1-2 hearts with spikes
  • Save at first statue, activate BiT
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Fly really high up and then dive to the Lumpy Pumpkin
    • Enter with F2, select F2 inside ASAP to skip cutscene
    • Bonk down chandelier
    • Talk to Pumm with F1, Start F1 on second text option (right option both times)
  • Small Key (Door Combination: D-U-D-R)
  • Deathwarp
  • Equip shield
  • Defeat Scervo for Bow
  • Mast sequence (use any arrows needed)
  • Sandship Heart Piece (11.5/20 HC)
  • Bomb refill on upper deck
  • Arrow refill if needed
  • Open Boss Door
  • Defeat Tentalus
  • Get Heart Container (12.5/20 HC)
  • Cancel at prompt
  • Fly to Thunderhead (Isle of Songs)
  • Strike crest with Goddess White Sword for Din's Power
  • S+Q at Isle of Songs statue (as far left of statue as possible) (equip Bombs)
  • Save, reload with bazaar, Activate BiT
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform behind bazaar with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive and remount into zipper with F3 (possible loftwing speed glitch)
    • Select F2 before hitting pillar
    • Switch to F1 and start after you see the Eldin pillar appear

Eldin Volcano 2

  • Bomb out crawlspace
  • Clawshot to vines across lava (above red rupee on ground) and run to initial Eldin entrance
  • Goddess Cube off ledge straight ahead (18/27 Cu)
  • Talk to Gorko for goddess cube dowsing (2/5 Dowsing)
  • Take shortcut path to Volcano Ascent area
  • Play Din's Power with Harp Cancel at trial gate
  • Din's Silent Realm for Fireshield Earrings
  • Use Vent, Activate Bridge with switch
  • Goddess Cube on ledge west of Earth Temple (19/27 Cu)
  • Retreive Windmill Propellor with Scrapper
  • Go to sky using Temple Entrance statue
  • Fly to Skyloft
  • Windmill delivered cutscene

SW Sky Cleanup

  • Fly to triple island in southwest sky
  • Open top goddess chest for Seed Satchel (3/27 Ch)
  • Open caged goddess chest for Potion Medal (1/10 M, 4/27 Ch)
  • Drop down to bottom goddess chest for Life Medal (2/10 M, 5/27 Ch)
  • Talk to Dodoh on Fun Fun Island
  • Goddess Chest Underneath (Gold Rupee, 6/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Lanayru and land at Desert Entrance Statue
  • Party Wheel Pickup
  • Go to sky using Stone Cache statue (23/28 OBS)
  • Fly to Fun Fun Island
  • Return the party wheel for Dodoh's crystals (24/80 Cr)
  • Play Dodoh's High Dive minigame for Heart Piece (12.75/20 HC)

Interlude 2

  • Fly to Lanayru (Mine Entry)
  • Save and activate BiT with chu
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Enter Pillar with F3, keep F3 once past the clouds
    • Select F2 during Groose text, enter sealed temple without selecting another file
    • Open file select quickly after sealed temple loads
    • Check and BiTSave F1 sealed temple, Check statue F3, enter Circle F3, change to F1 before load
    • Go near Gate, Charge Skyward Strike, Start F1 & skyward strike GoT
  • Enter Gate of Time
  • Talk to Impa
  • True Master Sword
  • Plant LTS, Return to present, Get LTF
  • Activate Goddess Wall
  • Talk to Gorko again
  • Draw arrows for Heart Piece (13/20 HC)
  • Return to sky at Behind the Temple statue (24/28 OBS)
  • Fly to Skyloft (Academy)

Skyloft 4

  • Enter Academy via lower doors
  • Enter Fledge's room
  • Sleep to night, Talk, give potion
  • Sleep to night, give potion
  • Sleep to night, get Fledge's gratitude crystals (29/80 Cr)
  • Try Restroom
  • Enter Strich's room
  • Sleep to day
  • Get Cawlin's Letter
  • Deliver letter to Karane
  • Talk to Gaepora and Owlan
  • Spiral Charge
  • Damage down to 2 hearts in water on your way to Sparrot
  • Go to and Talk to Sparrot
  • Fly to Lumpy Pumpkin
  • Get Pumm’s Soup for levias


  • Fly to Rainbow Island in Thunderhead
  • Levias with phase one skip
  • Deathwarp via bombs
  • Talk to Stritch (take fall damage)
  • Fly to Isle of Songs
  • Damage to 2 Hearts
  • Save in front of Isle of Songs statue behind floor tile
  • Activate BiT via Bombs into void
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform behind Bazaar with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Remount with F1 (with Loftwing Speed glitch)
    • Fly into invisible Eldin pillar with F1 selected
    • Start F1 as Link is falling into Eldin
    • You should see the camera move past Link as the screen fades out

Eldin Volcano 3

  • Make your way to the Volcano Summit
  • Damage with bombs when blowing up rocks
  • Goddess Cube on River (20/27 Cu)
  • Get Eldin's Song of the Hero fragment
  • Retrieve Crystal Ball with Scrapper
  • Pick up at least 4 bombs
  • Go to VS on top path
  • Enter/Exit Volcano Summit
  • Goddess Cube on Sand Slide (21/27 Cu)
  • Deathwarp
  • Bomb into summit loading zone
  • Save at bird statue inside cave area
  • Activate BiT via bombs/lava
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Fly really high up and then dive to the Lumpy Pumpkin
    • Enter inside with any file selected
    • Sleep to night
    • Select F2/F3 before exiting to avoid Pumm 'You broke my chandelier!' trigger
    • Exit with F1 selected
    • Start F1 and collect the shed gratitude crystal during the fadeout
      • Note: This RBM gives you another gratitude crystal. However, due to Source Requirement Rules, this one does not count, so you will end up with one more gratitude crystal than normal at the end of the run (+1 Cr)
  • Enter waterfall area and fill both bottles
  • Skydive Goddess Cube (22/27 Cu)
  • Deathwarp
  • Summit Heart Piece (13.25/20 HC)
  • Refill bombs to one bomb if you don’t have any
  • Dmg down to 4 Hearts with bomb Flowers
  • Summit Goddess Cube (23/27 Cu)
  • Don’t get hit by the lizalfos
  • Visit FS Entrance statue (25/28 OBS)
  • Enter FS

Fire Sanctuary

  • Save at first FS statue & die with bombs & lava
    • Enter Academy on splash screen
    • RBM with Fledge's 4th text box (EN) or 6th (JP)
  • Commit with Shooting seed at Owl Statue
  • Save & die with bombs + lava & BiT
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into Faron Pillar F3, change to F2 once past the clouds
    • Enter Sealed Grounds Spiral F3
    • Pull bomb with F1 selected (or shoot slingshot)
    • Load BtT F1
    • Charge Sword near Goddess Wall
    • Draw Rupee, select F3 after drawing (to BiTmagic temp flag 9x80)
    • Select F1 when text appears and start on second textbox
  • Commit with Shooting seed at Owl Statue
  • Save & die with bombs + lava & BiT
  • Pillar Jump
  • Open the door on the very far right of it
  • 1 Front Hop
  • 5 sidehops right
  • Turn around
  • C-Up, turn to the right, line up the left side of the Wiimote graphic with the left side of the door
  • Sidehop left to land in the room
  • Open chest outside for empty bottle (3/5 Bottles)
  • Keep the angle from the bottle chest, go in the corner, sidehop left to land in mouth
  • Defeat double dark lizalfos
  • Climb staircase
  • Skip boss key chest
  • Save at statue in front of boss door (26/28 OBS)
  • Plats HP (13.5/20 HC)
  • Deathwarp (use Bokoblin or fire Chu)
  • Defeat Ghirahim 2 and get Heart Container (14.5/20 HC)
  • Go back to dungeon through boss door
  • Fly to Skyloft (Academy)

Skyloft 5

  • Talk to Pipit and Owlan
  • Watch love triangle cutscene for Pipit's Crystals (34+1/80 Cr)
  • Exit through lower Academy Doors
  • Enter Beedle's shop
  • Buy Bug Net
  • Buy Extra Wallet
  • Sleep for night
  • Talk to Beedle
  • Sleep for day
  • Buy Extra Wallet
  • Enter the Bazaar
  • Buy Air Potion
  • Buy Bombs
  • Talk to Peatrice, text options [R, R, L, L] (6/10 convos)
  • Goddess chest inside Bazaar (Gold Rupee, 7/27 Ch)
  • Upgrades at Scrap Shop (7/7 Upgrades):
  • Big Bug Net
  • Sacred Bow
  • Cancel for Treasure Dowsing (3/5 Dowsing)
  • Go to Peatrice's house
  • Sleep to Night, Talk to Peater (7/10 convos), Sleep to Night, Talk to Peater (8/10 convos)
  • Use Tough Beetle for crystals past waterfall cave (36+1/80 Cr)
  • Clawshot to top of waterfall
  • Skydive off left side for Goddess Chest (Gold Rupee, 8/27 Ch)
  • Clawshot back up and get single gratitude crystal in water (37+1/80 Cr)
  • Open Goddess Chest on top of waterfall for Heart Piece (14.75/20 HC, 9/27 Ch)
  • Skydive to bird's nest for Baby's Rattle
  • Enter Luv and Bertie's house
  • Give Rattle to Bertie for Bertie's Crystals (42+1/80 Cr)
  • Get crystal in pumpkin patch (43+1/80 Cr)
  • Go to Sparrot’s House
  • Sparrot's house to deliver crystal ball (Sparrot's crystals, 48+1/80 Cr)
  • Sleep to day
  • Fly to Lumpy Pumpkin

Lumpy Pumpkin Cleanup

  • Talk to Pumm inside
  • Pumpkin carrying minigame with Kina
  • Sleep for night and exit
  • Storage shed crystal with Beetle (49+1/80 Cr)
  • Go back inside
  • Talk to Pumm
  • Harp playing with Kina for Heart Piece (15/20 HC)
  • Get Heart Piece on floor (15.25/20 HC)
  • Get upstairs crystal (50+1/80 Cr)
  • Sleep for day
  • Talk to Kina to start crystal quest
  • Fly to Eldin (VE)

Eldin Volcano 4

  • Enter Mogma Turf with a skydive
  • Goddess Cube on pillar (24/27 Cu)
  • Talk to and pick up Guld, text options [R, R]
  • Rupee dowsing in the fire maze (4/5 Dowsing)
  • Use a bomb to leave the maze
  • Return to sky at Volcano Ascent

NE Sky Cleanup

  • Fly to Bamboo Island:
  • Goddess chest outside (Gold Rupee, 10/27 Ch)
  • Fly to small island east of that:
    • Goddess chest on top (Silver Rupee, 11/27 Ch)
    • Goddess chest inside (Heart Medal, 16.25/20 HC, 3/10 M, 12/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Beedle's Island (way high up)
  • Goddess Chest on top (Heart Piece, 16.5/20 HC, 13/27 Ch)
  • Fly to small island south of Beedle's:
    • Caged Goddess Chest (Treasure Medal, 4/10 M, 14/27 Ch)
    • Goddess Chest behind bombable wall (Silver Rupee, 15/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Lumpy Pumpkin
  • Drop Guld off with Kina for Kina's Crystals (55+1/80 Cr)
  • Fly to Faron, Land at Spiral

Faron Woods 3

  • Imprisoned 3
  • Use Air Potion
  • Catapult to the flooded woods
  • Tadtones (damage to 2 hearts but don't deathwarp immediately)
  • After the final pink circle of tadtones, swim straight up
  • Pick up Oolo on lilypad, text options [L, R, R]
  • Deathwarp into water
  • Get Faron's Song of the Hero fragment
  • Visit Great Tree Bird Statue (27/28 OBS)
  • Drop from tree for Swag Goddess Cube (25/27 Cu)
  • Goddess Cube near clawshot target (26/27 Cu)
  • Heart Piece on ledge (16.75/20 HC)
  • Goddess Cube on branch (27/27 Cu)
  • Heart Piece behind rocks (17/20 HC)
  • Fly out from In the Woods statue (28/28 OBS)
  • Fly to island south of Faron
  • Goddess Chest for Heart Piece (17.25/20 HC, 16/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Volcanic Island
  • Goddess Chest inside (Heart Piece) (17.5/20 HC, 17/27 Ch)
  • Goddess Chest outside (Heart Medal, 18.5/20 HC, 5/10 M, 18/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Lanayru (Gorge)

Lanayru Desert 3

  • Talk to sick dragon for Thunder Dragon's Song
  • Boss Rush: Set of 4 for Heart Piece and Set of 8 for Hylian Shield (18.75/20 HC)
  • Move to West Desert, Save and Quit, Start F2
  • Activate BiT with deku baba
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Dive into Faron Pillar with F3, change to F1 once past the clouds
    • Shoot eye above gate with slingshot F1, dmg down with bomb (4 hearts), Enter Sealed Grounds F1
    • Dmg down with bomb (2 hearts), Talk to Groose F1
    • Choose Top option (Sky) then Right option ("Bug Hunting!")
    • Skip fling cs / load Thunderhead with F1, Die with bombs then select F2 for bridge
    • Enter Isle of Songs F2, BiTSave F1 at Statue
    • Hit Crest F2, stay on F2 until after fadeout
    • Start F1 then skip cs a bit afterwards

Thunderhead Cleanup

  • Fly to top of Isle of Songs
    • Goddess chest on top (Small Bomb Bag, 19/27 Ch)
    • Jumpslash down for Goddess chest on lower platform (Gold Rupee, 20/27 Ch)
  • Fly to small island east of Isle of Songs
    • Goddess chest on upper arch (Rupee Medal, 6/10 M, 21/27 Ch)
  • Song of the Hero from Levias
  • Fly to caged island to south of that:
    • First goddess chest (Empty Bottle, 4/5 Bottles, 22/27 Ch)
    • Second goddess chest (Small Quiver, 23/27 Ch)
  • Fly to Bug Heaven and get Goddess Chest on side platform (Heart Piece, 19/20 HC, 24/27 Ch)
  • Bug Heaven for Horned Colossus Beetle
  • Fly to Skyloft (Academy)

Skyloft 6

  • Enter the Academy via upper doors
  • Deliver Oolo to Owlan (60+1/80 Cr)
  • Exit via upper doors
  • Pumpkin Archery Heart Piece (19.25/20 HC)
  • Goddess Chest near lower academy stairs (Silver Rupee, 25/27 Ch)
  • Enter Beedle's Shop
  • Buy pouch slot (6/8 Slots)
  • Sleep to night
  • Goddess Chest in enclosure (Rupee Medal, 7/10 M, 26/27 Ch)
  • Use Beetle for crystal above airshop (61+1/80 Cr)
  • Give Beetle to Beedle for crystals (66+1/80 Cr)
  • Sleep to day and leave
  • Enter bazaar and talk to Peatrice (9/10 convos)
  • Go to O&P house
  • Sleep to night
  • Bottle and crystals from Parrow (5/5 Bottles, 71+1/80 Cr)
  • Single crystal in house (72+1/80 Cr)
  • Tough Beetle for West Cliff and back wooden walkway crystals (74+1/80 Cr)
  • Enter Peatrice's house
  • Talk to Peatrice for crystals (10/10 convos, 79+1/80 Cr)
  • Beetle for crystal at light tower (80+1/80 Cr)
  • Shortcut through water, Open Shed
  • Enter Batreaux's house, get all rewards:
    • Heart Piece (19.5/20 HC)
    • Tycoon Wallet
    • Three Gold Rupees
    • Cursed Medal (text options [R, L] 8/10 M)
  • Fi trigger for crystal dowsing before leaving (5/5 Dowsing)
  • Enter Rupin's house
  • Sell treasures for at least 3600 R, text options [L, R, BL, TL]
  • Sleep for day
  • Enter Beedle's shop
    • Buy Life Medal (9/10 M)
    • Buy Pouch Slot (7/8 Slots)
  • Sleep to day
    • Buy everything else (pouch slot, heart piece, bug medal, 8/8 Slots, 19.75/20 HC, 10/10 M)
  • Play Song of the Hero with Harp Cancel
  • Goddess's Silent Realm for Stone of Trials
  • Goddess Chest in shed (Heart Piece, 20/20 HC, 27/27 Ch)
  • Damage down to 2 hearts in water
  • Place Stone of Trials to open Sky Keep
  • Enter Sky Keep

Sky Keep

  • Dungeon Map
  • First Sliding Puzzle (DRD LUR DRU LLD RUR U)
  • Skyview Room with Rope Cutscene Skip
  • Save at Skyview Room Statue
  • Activate BiT via Bombs
    • Select F2 during void, Select F1/F3 before control
    • Jump off platform with F1/F3 selected, open F2 before loading into the Sky
    • Fly really high up and then dive to the Lumpy Pumpkin
    • Enter with F2, select F2 inside ASAP to skip cutscene
    • Bonk down chandelier
    • Talk to Pumm with F1, Start F1 on second text option (right option both times)
  • Enter LMF room
  • Take Timeshift Orb through first conveyor belt
  • Arrow refills to the right of room entrance if needed
  • Shoot eyes without timeshift orb
  • Second Sliding Puzzle (LD)
  • Enter Ancient Cistern room
  • Triforce of Courage
  • Go back through LMF room and Skyview room to Fire Sanctuary room
  • Clawshot Vineclip
  • Triforce of Power
  • Go back to the Entrance room
  • Third sliding puzzle (DRU LDL UUR D)
  • Enter Sandship room
  • Precise Bow Shot
  • Arrow shot through fan
  • Triforce of Wisdom
  • Gate of time to Hylia’s realm
  • Horde battle with Horde Skip
  • Ghirahim 3
  • Demise
Last updated 06/28/2024 – azer67