The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Current World Record (Any%)

Player Time Version
CountLG 0:03:47 JP Wii VC

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Recent Edits

Page Category Updated
Down A Techniques 09/01/2024
Equip Swap Techniques 05/29/2024
Items and Power-ups General Info 02/15/2024
Slash Extension Techniques 12/21/2023
Clipping Techniques 11/29/2023
Quick Putaway / Glitched Damage Value Techniques 09/02/2023
Ledge Cancel Techniques 02/23/2023
Minigame Items on B Bottle Adventure 02/23/2023
Lunge Storage Techniques 01/21/2023
Get Item Manipulation Techniques 12/13/2022